

ChatGPT Discord Bot

Go CLI to power a Discord bot letting you interact with ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI, collaboratively in Discord servers or privately in your DMs.


Download the file corresponding to your OS in the releases page:

After you download the file, extract it into a folder and open the env.example file with a text editor and fill in your credentials. You'll need your bot token, which you can find here, and optionally (if you want to prevent anyone else from using the bot) your Discord username. Save the file, and rename it to .env.

Note Make sure you rename the file to exactly .env! The program won't work otherwise.

Finally, open the terminal in your computer (if you're on windows, look for PowerShell), navigate to the path you extracted the above file (you can use cd dirname to navigate to a directory, ask ChatGPT if you need more assistance 😉) and run ./chatgpt-discord.


By default, the program will launch a browser for you to sign into your account, and close it once you're signed in. If this setup doesn't work for you (there are issues with the browser starting, you want to run this in a computer with no screen, etc.), you can manually extract your session from your browser instead.

To do this, first sign into ChatGPT on your browser, then open the Developer Tools (right click anywhere in the page, then click "Inspect"), click on the Application tab and then on the Cookies section, and copy the value of the __Secure-next-auth.session-token cookie.

You will then have to create a config file in the following location depending on your OS (replace YOUR_USERNAME_HERE with your username:

Note If you have already run the program, the file should exist but be empty. If it doesn't exist yet, you can either run the program or manually create it.

Finally, add your cookie to the file and save it. It should look like this: { "openaisession": "YOUR_COOKIE_HERE" }.


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.