


Before getting started, please read the documentation:

IUST-DeepFuzz Website and Documentation

and watch the DeepFuzz demo:

Video demo

Getting Started

In the current release (0.3.0), you can use IUST-DeepFuzz for test data generation and then fuzz every application.


You need Python 3.6.x and up-to-date TensorFlow and Keras frameworks on your computer.


Available Pre-trained Models

A pre-trained model is a model that was trained on a large benchmark dataset to solve a problem similar to the one that we want to solve. For the time being, we provided some pre-trained models for PDF file format. Our best trained model is available at model_checkpoint/best_models

Available Fuzzing Scripts

ISUT-DeepFuzz has implemented four new deep models and two new fuzz algorithms: DataNeuralFuzz and MetadataNeuralFuzz, as our contributions of the mentioned thesis. The following algorithms to generate and fuzz test data are available in the current release (r0.3.0):

Available Dataset

Various file format for learning with IUST-DeepFuzz and then fuzz testing is available at dataset directory.

Read More

Recently, I wrote a blog post about our DeepFuzz paper:


if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me:


Last update: September 12, 2022