


This repository contains training data, examples and results reported in https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.07.15.500218v1.

Our work is built on previously publised work (REINVENT 3.0 - https://jcheminf.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13321-017-0235-x).

For simplicity, we use a very similar pipeline, therefore you may find it helpful to consult their repository (https://github.com/MolecularAI/Reinvent).

We have provided examples notebooks for creating the input files neccessary to reproduce our results in


We also provide our datasets for specific experiments where the full Chembl dataset is not used, these are available in


Finally, we provide example generated libraries of molecules for each of our experiments in


Below is a breakdown of main experiment reported in our work with their experiment index to reference datasets and results.

1Single property shift
3TPSA shift with rIOP
4QED optimisation with rIOP *
5Generating simple and complex substructures
6Effects of SMILES on model performance

*Instructions, examples and tutorials for DrIOP are available at https://github.com/m-mokaya/RIOP_DrIOP


  1. Install Conda

  2. Clone this Git repository

  3. Open a shell, and go to the repository and create the Conda environment:

     $ conda env create -f reinvent.yml
  4. Activate the environment:

     $ conda activate reinvent.v3.0
  5. Use the tool. Installation is expected to take a few minutes.

System Requirements

Tutorials / jupyter notebooks

We have included a series of notebooks that allow show how we did each of our experiments.

There is another repository containing useful jupyter notebooks related to REINVENT called ReinventCommunity. Note, that it uses a different conda environment to execute, so you have to set up a separate environment.


For concrete examples, you can check out the Jupyter notebook examples in the ReinventCommunity repo. Running each example will result in a template file.There are templates for many running modes. Each running mode can be executed by python input.py some_running_mode.json after activating the environment.

Templates can be manually edited before using. The only thing that needs modification for a standard run are the file and folder paths. Most running modes produce logs that can be monitored by tensorboard.