

Aerial Template Matching Dataset

This data accompanies the publication "Assisting UAV Localization via Deep Contextual Image Matching". For further details, read the paper.

Following is the structure of folders:

Images from file 'Image1' to 'Image1200' belong to NUST Islamabad area.<br/> Images from file 'Image1201' to 'Image1680' belong to DHA Islamabad area.<br/> Images from file 'Image1681' to 'Image2052' belong to GujarKhan District area.<br/>

To download dataset:

git clone https://github.com/m-hamza-mughal/aerial-template-matching-dataset.git
cd aerial-template-matching-dataset
bash download.sh

For queries, contact:<br/> Hamza Mughal<br/> mmughal.bee15seecs@seecs.edu.pk<br/>