


An Xcode plugin designed for seamless navigation to key GitHub functionalities within your current repository. With just a click, effortlessly access GitHub History, Blame, Pull Requests, Issues, and Notifications, all in a matter of seconds.


My company work on GitHub. I open the GitHub a lot. Sometimes, I am editing on Xcode and do not understand some code, so I go to GitHub to blame them. Sometimes, find the latest commits about a file to help me figure out how the code evolves. So I wonder is there a tool to help me quick open GitHub from Xcode. So I write this plugin. When you editing some source file on Xcode, it's easy to know which GitHub repo you are working on and know which file you are editing. So it makes sense to quickly jump to the file on GitHub, quickly jump to blame the current editing line on GitHub, quickly jump to the issues or prs of the current repo you are working on Xcode.

Menu Items

<img width="700" alt="2015-11-01 12 56 35" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5022872/10864813/5df3f05e-8034-11e5-9f3e-03ae3fbc3cfc.png">

It has six menu items:

Menu TitleShortcutGitHub URL Pattern (When I'm editing LZAlbumManager.m Line 40)
Quick File⌃⇧⌘Qhttps://github.com/lzwjava/LZAlbum/blob/fd7224/LZAlbum/manager/LZAlbumManager.m#L40
List History⌃⇧⌘Lhttps://github.com/lzwjava/LZAlbum/commits/fd7224/LZAlbum/manager/LZAlbumManager.m

The shortcuts are carefully designed. They will not confict to Xcode default shortcuts. The shortcut pattern is ⌃⇧⌘ (Ctrl+Shift+Command), plus First Character of the menu title.


Sometimes, you may want to quickly jump to Wiki. Here is the way, open the setting:

<img width="500" alt="2015-11-01 12 56 35" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5022872/10864939/fa83f286-8037-11e5-97d7-e9549485b11d.png">

For example,

Quick file, the pattern and the actual url:

           {git_remote_url}       /blob/{commit}/          {file_path}         #{selection}    

The {commit} is the latest commit hash of current branch. It's better then use branch. Because branch's HEAD may be changed. So the code in #L40-L43 may also be changed.

So if you want to add a shortcut to current repo's wiki, just add a menu item and set the pattern to {git_remote_url}/wiki.

In settings, Clear Default Repos say if you have multiple git remotes, when first time to trigger, it will ask you to choose one of them:

<img width="400" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5022872/10865120/5794994a-803c-11e5-9527-965f7e617e8f.png">

Then the plugin remembers which you choose. So when you trigger the menu again, will open that remote repo as the default. The button Clear Default Repos will clear this setting, will ask you to select again.


Recomend install with Alcatraz,

qq20151101-1 2x


  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Open Reveal-In-GitHub.xcodeproj, and build it.
  3. Reveal-In-GitHub.xcplugin should locate at ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins
  4. Restart Xcode
  5. Open any GitHub Project and press ⌃⇧⌘B (Ctrl+Shift+Command+B) to blame the code.


推荐使用 Alcatraz,可参考巧神的一遍博客。安装好后,按照上图搜索 Reveal In GitHub,点击 Install 即可。



When at the course of developing it, find another plugin ShowInGitHub do something similar. I learn some techique from it. Thanks for that.
