

Trainig Script for Space Time Memory Network

This repository contains the reimplemented training code for Space Time Memory Network. We implement the data interface for DAVIS16, DAVIS17 and Youtube-VOS, the result of hybrid training on Youtube-VOS and DAVIS17 can be at most 69.7 J&F score on DAVIS17 validation set.

Required Package

Data Organization

To run the training and testing code, we require the following data organization format


The ROOT folder can be set in libs/dataset/data.py, which contains all datasets to be used. Each sub-directory ${DATASET} should be the name of one specific dataset (e.g. DAVIS17 or Youtube-VOS) and contain all video and annotation data.

Youtbe-VOS Organization

To run the training script on youtube-vos dataset, please ensure the data is organized as following format

      |     |-----JPEGImages
      |     |-----Annotations
      |     |-----meta.json
      |     |-----JPEGImages
      |     |-----Annotations
      |     |-----meta.json 

Where JPEGImages and Annotations contain the frames and annotation masks of each video.

DAVIS Organization

To run the training script on davis16/17 dataset, please ensure the data is organized as following format


Where JPEGImages and Annotations contain the 480p frames and annotation masks of each video. The db_info.yaml contains the meta information of each video sequences and can be found at the davis evaluation repository.

Training and Testing

To train the STM network, run following command.

python3 train.py --gpu ${GPU-IDS}

To test the STM network, run following command

python3 test.py

The test results will be saved as indexed png file at ${ROOT}/${output}/${valset}.

Additionally, you can modify some setting parameters in options.py to change training configuration.