


Install Required Packages

First ensure that you have installed the following required packages:

See requirements.txt for details.


Training a Model

sh train.sh

You can change the arguments in train.sh depend on your machine config.

sh test.sh

The script will load the trained MenNet model to generate the deblocked images. You could change the arguments in test.sh depend on your machine config.

cd scripts
python cal_psnr_ssim.py

You could change the arguments in cal_psnr_ssim.py depend on your machine config.

Downloading data/trained model

More Qualitative results

I only implement the JPEG deblocking experiment, you can implement the image denosing and Super-resolution use this codes. If so, you should change the training datasets. Here is the training loss and JPEG deblocking results. The first column is the compressed image, second is the deblocked image, third is the clean image.