

curl-impersonate Chrome Edge Firefox Safari

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A special build of curl that can impersonate the four major browsers: Chrome, Edge, Safari & Firefox. curl-impersonate is able to perform TLS and HTTP handshakes that are identical to that of a real browser.

curl-impersonate can be used either as a command line tool, similar to the regular curl, or as a library that can be integrated instead of the regular libcurl. See Usage below.


When you use an HTTP client with a TLS website, it first performs a TLS handshake. The first message of that handshake is called Client Hello. The Client Hello message that most HTTP clients and libraries produce differs drastically from that of a real browser.

If the server uses HTTP/2, then in addition to the TLS handshake there is also an HTTP/2 handshake where various settings are exchanged. The settings that most HTTP clients and libraries use differ as well from those of any real browsers.

For these reasons, some web services use the TLS and HTTP handshakes to fingerprint which client is accessing them, and then present different content for different clients. These methods are known as TLS fingerprinting and HTTP/2 fingerprinting respectively. Their widespread use has led to the web becoming less open, less private and much more restrictive towards specific web clients

With the modified curl in this repository, the TLS and HTTP handshakes look exactly like those of a real browser.


To make this work, curl was patched significantly to resemble a browser. Specifically, The modifications that were needed to make this work:

The resulting curl looks, from a network perspective, identical to a real browser.

Read the full technical description in the blog posts: part a, part b.

Supported browsers

The following browsers can be impersonated.

BrowserVersionBuildOSTarget nameWrapper script
Chrome9999.0.4844.51Windows 10chrome99curl_chrome99
Chrome100100.0.4896.75Windows 10chrome100curl_chrome100
Chrome101101.0.4951.67Windows 10chrome101curl_chrome101
Chrome104104.0.5112.81Windows 10chrome104curl_chrome104
Chrome107107.0.5304.107Windows 10chrome107curl_chrome107
Chrome110110.0.5481.177Windows 10chrome110curl_chrome110
Chrome116116.0.5845.180Windows 10chrome116curl_chrome116
Chrome9999.0.4844.73Android 12chrome99_androidcurl_chrome99_android
Edge9999.0.1150.30Windows 10edge99curl_edge99
Edge101101.0.1210.47Windows 10edge101curl_edge101
Firefox91 ESR91.6.0esrWindows 10ff91esrcurl_ff91esr
Firefox9595.0.2Windows 10ff95curl_ff95
Firefox9898.0Windows 10ff98curl_ff98
Firefox100100.0Windows 10ff100curl_ff100
Firefox102102.0Windows 10ff102curl_ff102
Firefox109109.0Windows 10ff109curl_ff109
Firefox117117.0.1Windows 10ff117curl_ff117
Safari15.316612. Big Sursafari15_3curl_safari15_3
Safari15.517613. Montereysafari15_5curl_safari15_5

This list is also available in the browsers.json file.

Basic usage

For each supported browser there is a wrapper script that launches curl-impersonate with all the needed headers and flags. For example:

curl_chrome116 https://www.wikipedia.org

You can add command line flags and they will be passed on to curl. However, some flags change curl's TLS signature which may cause it to be detected.

Please note that the wrapper scripts use a default set of HTTP headers. If you want to change these headers, you may want to modify the wrapper scripts to fit your own purpose.

See Advanced usage for more options, including using libcurl-impersonate as a library.


More documentation is available in the docs/ directory.


There are two versions of curl-impersonate for technical reasons. The chrome version is used to impersonate Chrome, Edge and Safari. The firefox version is used to impersonate Firefox.

Pre-compiled binaries

Pre-compiled binaries for Linux and macOS (Intel) are available at the GitHub releases page. Before you use them you need to install nss (Firefox's TLS library) and CA certificates:

Also ensure you have zlib installed on your system. zlib is almost always present, but on some minimal systems it might be missing.

The pre-compiled binaries contain libcurl-impersonate and a statically compiled curl-impersonate for ease of use.

The pre-compiled Linux binaries are built for Ubuntu systems. On other distributions if you have errors with certificate verification you may have to tell curl where to find the CA certificates. For example:

curl_chrome116 https://www.wikipedia.org --cacert /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

Also make sure to read Notes on Dependencies.

Building from source


Docker images

Docker images based on Alpine Linux and Debian with curl-impersonate compiled and ready to use are available on Docker Hub. The images contain the binary and all the wrapper scripts. Use like the following:

# Firefox version, Alpine Linux
docker pull lwthiker/curl-impersonate:0.6-ff
docker run --rm lwthiker/curl-impersonate:0.6-ff curl_ff109 https://www.wikipedia.org

# Chrome version, Alpine Linux
docker pull lwthiker/curl-impersonate:0.6-chrome
docker run --rm lwthiker/curl-impersonate:0.6-chrome curl_chrome110 https://www.wikipedia.org

Distro packages

AUR packages are available to Archlinux users:

Unofficial Homebrew receipts for Mac (Chrome only) are available here:

brew tap shakacode/brew
brew install curl-impersonate

Advanced usage


libcurl-impersonate.so is libcurl compiled with the same changes as the command line curl-impersonate. It has an additional API function:

CURLcode curl_easy_impersonate(struct Curl_easy *data, const char *target,
                               int default_headers);

You can call it with the target names, e.g. chrome116, and it will internally set all the options and headers that are otherwise set by the wrapper scripts. If default_headers is set to 0, the built-in list of HTTP headers will not be set, and the user is expected to provide them instead using the regular CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER libcurl option.

Calling the above function sets the following libcurl options:


If your application uses libcurl already, you can replace the existing library at runtime with LD_PRELOAD (Linux only). You can then set the CURL_IMPERSONATE env var. For example:

LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/libcurl-impersonate.so CURL_IMPERSONATE=chrome116 my_app

The CURL_IMPERSONATE env var has two effects:

This means that all the options needed for impersonation will be automatically set for any curl handle.

If you need precise control over the HTTP headers, set CURL_IMPERSONATE_HEADERS=no to disable the built-in list of HTTP headers, then set them yourself with curl_easy_setopt(). For example:

LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/libcurl-impersonate.so CURL_IMPERSONATE=chrome116 CURL_IMPERSONATE_HEADERS=no my_app

Note that the LD_PRELOAD method will NOT WORK for curl itself because the curl tool overrides the TLS settings. Use the wrapper scripts instead.

Notes on dependencies

If you intend to copy the self-compiled artifacts to another system, or use the Pre-compiled binaries provided by the project, make sure that all the additional dependencies are met on the target system as well. In particular, see the note about the Firefox version.


This repository contains two main folders:

The layout is similar for both. For example, the Firefox directory contains:

Other files of interest:


If you'd like to help, please check out the open issues. You can open a pull request with your changes.

This repository contains the build process for curl-impersonate. The actual patches to curl are maintained in a separate repository forked from the upstream curl. The changes are maintained in the impersonate-firefox and impersonate-chrome branches.


Sponsors help keep this project open and maintained. If you wish to become a sponsor, please contact me directly at: lwt at lwthiker dot com.

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