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Lws middleware plugin to serve static files, wraps koa-static. See here for usage instrutions.

Adds the following options to lws.

<pre><code> --directory, -d <u>path</u> Root directory, defaults to the current directory. --static.maxage <u>number</u> Cache max-age (in seconds) applied to all resources served. --static.defer If true, serves after `await next`, allowing any downstream middleware to respond first. --static.index <u>path</u> Default file name, defaults to `index.html`. --static.extensions <u>ext</u> One or more default filename extensions. For example, if you set `--static.extensions html` and request `/page` then the server will look for both `page` and `page.html` on disk, serving the latter. </pre></code>

© 2016-24 Lloyd Brookes <75pound@gmail.com>.