Support for setting Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers to lws. Wraps @koajs/cors. For usage instructions, see here.
Adds the following options to lws.
--cors.origin string Set a `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` value. Default is the request Origin
--cors.allow-methods string Set a `Access-Control-Allow-Methods` value. Default is
--cors.credentials Set this flag to add `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials` header.
--cors.opener-policy string Set a value for the `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy` header (specify `unsafe-
none`, same-origin-allow-popups` or `same-origin`).
--cors.embedder-policy string Set a value for the `Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy` header (specify `unsafe-
none` or `require-corp`).
--cors.private-network-access Set this flag to enable `Access-Control-Request-Private-Network` support.
© 2016-23 Lloyd Brookes <>.