Scriptable Script: daysUntilBirthday
- Script for the iOS App Scriptable
- up to 20 people of your contacts are shown simultaneously with their birthday and how many days are left
- contacts are sorted by how far away their birthday is (nearest first)
How to use
Mode 1 (default): Only chosen contacts:
- in your contacts app, edit the contacts you want to be visible in this widget
- you need to set up an additional 'date' field in your contact and give the date the label 'daysUntilBirthday'
- run the script initially in the Scriptable app to create a json file in iCloud containing contact information for faster access
- when you add new contacts via the label, run the script again in the app to update the json! This makes the changes visible in iCloud-mode
- when setting the script up as Widget, use the largest presentation mode and provide the parameter 'iCloud' (without the ' ')
- if contacts have a nickname set, the nickname will be chosen
- if the name contains a space character, only the part before the first space is used (in case of a nickname like 'Julian ❤️' the name in this widget will be 'Julian')
Mode 2: Show all contacts with a Birthday configured
- set the variable showAllContacts to true or provide the parameter 'showAll' in widget mode to show all contacts that have a birthday in the regular birthday field configured
- set the variable useIcloud to true or provide the parameter 'iCloud' in widget mode to never recalculate which contacts are shown again
- if false -> everytime the contacts are scanned
- if true -> contacts are not scanned and last used contacts are used again
Contact Setup for the default mode 1
- provide all the contacts you want to see with a new date
- give the date the label 'daysUntilBirthday'
- an actual birthday set in the regular birthday field is not necessary
Widget Setup
- when using parameter iCloud the contacts are not scanned and the source at the bottom changes to 'iCloud'
- when using parameter showAll (without using parameter iCloud) all contacts with birthdays are shown
- if the last configuration was empty and next one is 'iCloud,showAll' then because of iCloud-Mode (all previous found contacts are used again) the showAll parameter will not have any effect, since the default mode is mode 1 (only show selected contacts)
- you can easily edit the parameter at the top of the script to show the text you like
- example in english: