



Paper, Model(Google), Model(Baidu)


  title={Listwise View Ranking for Image Cropping},
  author={Lu, Weirui and Xing, Xiaofen and Cai, Bolun and Xu, Xiangmin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.05352},


Rank-based Learning with deep neural network has been widely used for image cropping. However, the performance of ranking-based methods is often poor and this is mainly due to two reasons: 1) image cropping is a listwise ranking task rather than pairwise comparison; 2) the rescaling caused by pooling layer and the deformation in view generation damage the performance of composition learning. In this paper, we develop a novel model to overcome these problems. To address the first problem, we formulate the image cropping as a listwise ranking problem to find the best view composition. For the second problem, a refined view sampling (called RoIRefine) is proposed to extract refined feature maps for candidate view generation. Given a series of candidate views, the proposed model learns the Top-1 probability distribution of views and picks up the best one. By integrating refined sampling and listwise ranking, the proposed network called LVRN achieves the state-of-the-art performance both in accuracy and speed.


Pytorch 0.4.1

Run demo

  1. Put your test images into images folder.
  2. Download the pre-trained model into model folder.
  3. cd lib and run make.sh to build roi_crop, roi_align and roi_pooling modules.
  4. run python demo.py --GPU x


  1. Download the train dataset(CPC), cd lib/utils and modify config.py
  2. run python generatePdefinedAnchors.py to generate pre-defined anchors for training and evaluation.
  3. run python createImdbDataset.py to create lmdb-type datasets for training.
  4. cd .. and run make.sh to build roi_crop, roi_align and roi_pooling modules.
  5. run python train.py --GPU x --bs x --lr x


  1. Download the cropping dataset(FCDB and FLMS), cd lib/utils and modify config.py.
  2. Download the pre-trained model into model folder.
  3. cd lib and run make.sh to build roi_crop, roi_align and roi_pooling modules.
  4. modify the path of create_gt_crops.py and run python create_gt_crops.py to create the ground-truth.
  5. run python demo.py --GPU x

Qualitative visualization on FCDB dataset

<img src="https://github.com/luwr1022/listwise-view-ranking/blob/master/examples/lvrn.jpg" alt="gt" align=center />


In this work, the RoI operation (RoIPool, RoIAlign and RoIRefine) are based on https://github.com/jwyang/faster-rcnn.pytorch.