


This repo contains code implementation for Conformalized Interval Arithmetic (CIA), which extends Conformal Prediction's coverage guarantees to the arithmetic operations of variables, such as summation.


The main repository contains the code for experiments on subsets without overlap, specifically for bike, community, and meps datasets.

Code Structure

The code is organized into two main files:


The code requires the following dependencies:

Running the Code

To run the code, simply execute the main.py file using Python. This will run the experiments on the specified datasets.

Split Conformal Method

The Split Conformal Method uses a neural network as the base conditional mean predictor. The network consists of three fully connected layers with a hidden dimension of 64. This setting is based on the work of [1].

Conformal Quantile Regression

Conformal Quantile Regression uses the quantile regression forests [2] as the quantile predictor.

Plotting Results

The plot_results.py file is used to plot the results presented in the main text and appendix of the paper. This file takes the output of the main.py file as input and generates the plots.

Experiments with GNN for Subsets with Overlaps

The folder gnn contains code and data for experiments for subsets with overlaps, specifically the road traffic in Anaheim and Chicago. Run main_gnn.py to run the experiments.

Directed Graph Autoencoder

The files digae_traffic.py and autoencoder.py contain code that implements a directed graph autoencoder that predicts edge weights based on node (and edge) features.

Required Packages

Some required packages include:



Meps Data

Due to copyright/usage rules, The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MPES) data can be downloaded following the instructions in https://github.com/yromano/cqr/blob/master/get_meps_data/README.md.

Please put the downloaded and processed .csv files in the \common\datasets folder.


We thank the following GitHub repositories for their code:


[1] Conformal Quantile Regression

[2] Quantile Regression Forests

[3] Conformalized Interval Arithmetic with Symmetric Calibration