


Fiji macro toolset to quickly add a scale bar with reasonable size to an image. Developed for electron microscopy.

:exclamation: Please double-check the scale-bar length for possible rounding errors, especially if it shows 1 µm, 1 nm, 1 mm, ... .
<img title="Basic usage" src="images/EMscalebartools_00.gif" alt="Example" data-align="left" width="450"> Image source: Cropped image of Cobaea scandens (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cobaea_scandens1-4.jpg) pollen by Marie Majaura from Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scanning_electron_microscope).


Using QuickScaleBar on a HRTEM image. Note the similar size of the scale bars for the 4096² image (center) and the cropped 512² ROI image (right).

<img title="Example 0" src="images/example0.png" alt="Example" data-align="center">

Using FEI Crop Scalebar on an SEM image.

<img title="Example 1" src="images/example1.png" alt="Example" data-align="center">

Batch conversion of SEM images (Process -> Batch -> Macro...) from tiff to png using FEI_Crop_Scalebar.ijm.

<img title="Example 1" src="images/example2.png" alt="Example" data-align="center">

Hotkeys can be used to quickly adjust the scale-bar appearance.

In-/Decreasing scale-bar length:
<img title="Basic usage" src="https://github.com/lukmuk/em-scalebartools/blob/main/images/hotkeys_4-6.gif" alt="Basic usage" data-align="left" width="450">

In-/Decreasing scale-bar size:
<img title="Basic usage" src="https://github.com/lukmuk/em-scalebartools/blob/main/images/hotkeys_2-8.gif" alt="Basic usage" data-align="left" width="450">

EMScaleBarTools in action

Examples are from v0.2.

Basic usage with cropping of a TFS/FEI databar, addition of a scale bar, moving and removing of the scale bar: <img title="Basic usage" src="images/EMscalebartools_01.gif" alt="Example" data-align="center">

The next GIF shows the application of Auto re-scale images to upscale a small (in pixels) inset of an image: <img title="Using Auto re-scale" src="images/EMscalebartools_02.gif" alt="Example" data-align="center">

The next GIF shows an example workflow when working with presentations (here Microsoft PowerPoint). For a horizontal alignment of images (here an SEM and an HAADF-STEM image) with the same desired image height, the scale bar reference is switched to Height. Note the automatic handling of unit-switching and rescaling as in the previous example. The image are then copied via the hotkey c to the system clipboard and pasted into PowerPoint. <img title="Workflow for presentations" src="images/EMscalebartools_03.gif" alt="Example" data-align="center">

Macro description

QuickScaleBar Tool (Icon: <u>SB</u>)
FEI Crop Scalebar Tool (Icon: FEI)

For a description of the other tools, take a look at the wiki. 🗒

Requirements and Installation



Other useful scalebar tools


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