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pix_engine is a cross-platform graphics & UI library for simple games, visualizations, digital art, and graphics applications written in Rust, supporting SDL2 (and soon Web-Assembly!) renderers.

The primary goal of this library is to be simple to setup and use for graphics or algorithm exploration and is not meant to be as fully-featured as other, larger graphics libraries.

It is intended to be more than just a toy library, however, and can be used to drive real applications. The Tetanes NES emulator, for example uses pix_engine for rendering, window and event handling.

Some examples of things you can create with pix-engine:

Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

The current minimum Rust version is 1.67.0.


<img width="48%" alt="Asteroids" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukexor/pix-engine/main/images/asteroids.png">  <img width="48%" alt="Maze Generation & A* Search" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukexor/pix-engine/main/images/maze.png"> <img width="48%" alt="2D Raycasting" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukexor/pix-engine/main/images/2d_raycasting.png">  <img width="48%" alt="UI Widgets" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukexor/pix-engine/main/images/gui.png"> <img width="48%" alt="Fluid Simulation" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukexor/pix-engine/main/images/fluid_simulation.png">  <img width="48%" alt="Matrix Rain" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukexor/pix-engine/main/images/matrix.png">

Getting Started

Installing Dependencies

First and foremost you'll need Rust installed! Follow the latest directions at https://www.rust-lang.org/learn/get-started.

When building or running applications for a desktop target such as macOS, Linux, or Windows and not a Web-Assembly target, you must install SDL2 libraries. Note for windows: You may need to install Visual Studio C++ Build Tools.

There are several options for installing SDL2, but these are the most common:

For more details and installation options see the rust-sdl2 documentation.

macOS, Linux, or Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux (homebrew)

brew install sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf

Linux (package manager)

Note: The minimum SDL2 version is 2.0.20. Some package managers may not have the latest versions available.


sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-gfx-dev libsdl2-image-dev
libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev


sudo dnf install SDL2-devel SDL2_gfx-devel SDL2_image-devel SDL2_mixer-devel SDL2_ttf-devel


sudo pacman -S sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf

Windows (MSVC)

  1. Download the latest SDL2 MSVC development libraries from https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php e.g. (SDL2-devel-2.0.20-VC.zip).
  2. Download the latest SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer, and SDL2_ttf MSVC development libraries from https://www.libsdl.org/projects/. e.g. (SDL2_image-devel-2.0.5-VC.zip).
  3. Unzip each .zip file into a folder.
  4. Copy library files:
    • from: lib\x64\
    <!-- markdownlint-disable-next-line line-length -->
    • to: C:\Users\{Username}\.rustup\toolchains\{current toolchain}\lib\rustlib\{current toolchain}\lib where {current toolchain} is likely stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.
      • Note: If you don't use rustup, See rust-sdl2 for more info on Windows installation.
  5. Copy all dll files:
    • from: lib\x64\
    • to: your cargo project next to Cargo.toml.

MSVC binaries for SDL2 are also present in this repository under the lib folder.

Creating Your Application

Creating a visual or interactive application using pix-engine requires implementing only a single method of the PixEngine trait for your application: PixEngine::on_update which gets executed as often as possible. Within that function you'll have access to a mutable PixState object which provides several methods for modifying settings and drawing to the screen.

PixEngine provides additional methods that can be implemented to respond to user events and handle application startup and teardown.

Here's an example application which simply draws a circle following the mouse and renders it white or black depending if the mouse is held down or not:

use pix_engine::prelude::*;

struct MyApp;

impl PixEngine for MyApp {
    // Set up application state and initial settings. `PixState` contains
    // engine specific state and utility methods for actions like getting mouse
    // coordinates, drawing shapes, etc. (Optional)
    fn on_start(&mut self, s: &mut PixState) -> PixResult<()> {
        // Set the background to GRAY and clear the screen.

        // Change the font family to NOTO and size to 16 instead of using the
        // defaults.

        // Returning `Err` instead of `Ok` would indicate initialization failed,
        // and that the application should terminate immediately.

    // Main update/render loop. Called as often as possible unless
    // `target_frame_rate` was set with a value. (Required)
    fn on_update(&mut self, s: &mut PixState) -> PixResult<()> {
        // Set fill color to black if mouse is pressed, otherwise wite.
        if s.mouse_pressed() {
        } else {

        // Draw a circle with fill color at the mouse position with a radius of
        // 80.
        let m = s.mouse_pos();
        s.circle([m.x(), m.y(), 80])?;


    // Clean up any state or resources before exiting such as deleting temporary
    // files or saving game state. (Optional)
    fn on_stop(&mut self, s: &mut PixState) -> PixResult<()> {

fn main() -> PixResult<()> {
    let mut engine = Engine::builder()
      .dimensions(800, 600)
    let mut app = MyApp;
    engine.run(&mut app)


Crate Feature Flags

The following features can be added to your Cargo.toml depending on your needs. e.g.:

version = "0.6.0"
default-features = false
features = ["serde"]


PixState is the global application context for the entire pix-engine lifecycle from setup to teardown. It contains all of the settings and methods required to draw pixels to the screen, manage windows, textures, rendering settings, etc. See Creating Your Application for a brief introduction to the engine lifecycle methods and examples of using PixState.


All of the drawing primitives for drawing shapes, text, or UI widgets are all available on the PixState instance. Some methods are only available when the corresponding traits are in scope. Many traits are included by default in the prelude.

Some examples:

// Draw a circle at `(x, y)` coordinates`(0, 0)` with a radius of `80`.
s.circle([0, 0, 80])?;

// Draw a rectangle at `(x, y)` coordinates `(10, 20)` with a width `80` and a
// height of `100`.
s.rect([10, 20, 80, 100])?;

There are also several convenience macros for creating shapes that can be used for drawing, or storing inside a struct:

// Create a triangle with points at `(x, y)` coordinates `(10, 20)`, `(30, 10)`,
// `(20, 25)`.
let t = tri!([10, 20], [30, 10], [20, 25]);

// Create a 3D point at `(x, y, z)` coordinates `(10, 20, 10)`.
let p = point!(10, 20, 10);

// Create a square at point `p` with a width/height of `100`.
let r = square!(p, 100);


Textures are simple a representation of pixels but have some extra flexibility:

By default, all drawing operations target the primary window canvas. Once drawn, the pixels are static and can only be drawn over. Using textures allows you to create things like draggable elements, popups, animation sprites, etc.

To create a texture:

// Create a texture with a width and height of 256, formatting as RGB with no
// alpha channel. You can also provide `None` as the format which will inherit
// the format of the current window.
let texture_id = s.create_texture(256, 256, PixelFormat::Rgb);

// Draw to the texture. These changes are not visible in the window.
s.text("Hello World!");

// Now draw the texture to the current canvas. Specifying `None` as the `src`
// argument means use the entire texture size. The `dst` here is double the
// original texture which has the effect of scaling the texture by 2.
s.texture(texture_id, None, rect!(0, 0, 512, 512))?;

// To clean up unused textures, simply delete them.


A limited form of audio support is available, with wider support coming soon. By default, an audio queue is available that you can push samples to:

s.resume_audio(); // Audio queue starts in a `Paused` state.

// Some method generating `f32` samples between 0.0 and 1.0
let samples = generate_audio();

There is also an AudioCallback trait you can implement for doing callback-based audio generation. See the examples/ folder for details. Using this callback you can also do limited audio recording and playback with a microphone.



pix-engine offers an immediate mode graphical user interface (IMGUI) library which allows for rapid UI development that is performant and simple to setup/iterate on. Some limitations:

Much of the API design is inspired by Dear ImGui, but note the following differences:

End-User Guide

Programmer Notes


As your application grows, you may find the need to have different views open simultaneously. This can be done by opening up additional windows to render into. Each window has it's own canvas, while sharing the global PixState context settings. The API is very similar to working with textures.

// Create a window with size of 800x600.
let window_id = s
  .dimensions(800, 600)
  .title("My Window")

// Draw to the window. These changes are immediately visible in the window.
s.text("Hello World!");

// A user can either close the window with the `X` button, `Ctrl-W`, `Alt-F4`,
// etc. or you can close it programatically.

Note: One thing to consider when creating and managing widnows is that when a window gets closed, its ID becomes invalid. Attempting to draw in an invalid window will return an error. Thus, most window creation will also require removing invalid window IDs from their application:

fn on_window_event(
    &mut self,
    _s: &mut PixState,
    window_id: WindowId,
    event: WindowEvent,
) -> PixResult<()> {
    if event == WindowEvent::Close && self.popup_window == Some(window_id) {
      self.popup_window = None;


This library uses the log crate. To leverage logging in your application, choose one of the supported logger implementations and initialize it in your main function.

Example using env_logger:

fn main() -> PixResult<()> {

    let mut engine = Engine::builder()
      .dimensions(800, 600)
    let mut app = MyApp;
    engine.run(&mut app)

Known Issues

See the github issue tracker.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


For issue reporting, please use the github issue tracker. You can also contact me directly at https://lukeworks.tech/contact/.


This has been a true passion project for several years and I can't thank the open source community enough for the all the amazing content and support.

A special shout out to the following projects which heavily inspired the implementation and evolution of this crate: