

AvaloniaUI Enhanced BottomNavigationBar with Page Navigation


This project is an extended version of the BottomNavigationBar implemented using AvaloniaUI. In this version, we have added page navigation capabilities to the existing bottom navigation bar, allowing users to navigate through the application more efficiently.

Key Features

How It Works

Page Transition Mechanism

This project uses the ListBox control to manage pages linked to each navigation bar item. When a user selects an item, the corresponding page is activated and displayed.

Customization and Styling

The styling of pages and the navigation bar can be customized using AvaloniaUI’s styling system, maintaining consistency with the overall design of the application.

Getting Started


Installation and Execution

(Provide the same installation and execution method as before)


Contributions to this project are welcome. You can contribute in various ways, including enhancing page navigation features, design improvements, and performance optimization.
