

<p align="center"> <img width="600" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukewhrit/spacebin/main/.github/assets/spacebin-text-logo/Spacein%20Text.svg" alt="spacebin - hastebin fork focused on stability and maintainability" /> </p>

🚀 Spacebin

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Spacebin is a modern Pastebin server implemented in Go and is capable of serving notes, novels, code, or any other form of text.

Spacebin was designed to be fast and reliable, avoiding the problems of many current pastebin servers. Spacebin features JavaScript-based text highlighting, but works completely fine with JS disabled. Besides text highlighting, we have many more features in the works. It is entirely self-hostable, and available in a Docker image.

Pastebins are a type of online content storage service where users can store plain text document, e.g. program source code. For more information and the history of Pastebin see Wikipedia's article on them.

[!IMPORTANT] Try our public online version at https://spaceb.in!


Vote on future features: Image/file uploading, Account system

Looking for a URL shortener too? Try redeyes.

Table of Contents


[!TIP] Need support? Visit our Discussions tab to get help from the community.


Using Docker

# Pull and run docker image on port 80
$ sudo docker pull spacebinorg/spirit
$ sudo docker run -d -e SPIRIT_CONNECTION_URI="sqlite://database.sqlite" -p 80:9000 spacebinorg/spirit

Docker Compose

Use the following config file to host Spacebin via Docker Compose:

    image: spacebinorg/spirit:latest
    restart: always
      - SPIRIT_CONNECTION_URI=postgres://spacebin:password@postgres:5432/spacebin?sslmode=disable
      - 9000:9000
      - postgres
    image: postgres:16.3-alpine
    restart: always
      - POSTGRES_USER=spacebin
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password
      - POSTGRES_DB=spacebin
      - postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data



[!IMPORTANT] Requires: Git, Go 1.22.4, GNU Makefile, and a SQLite, MySQL, or PostgreSQL server.

# Clone the Github repository
$ git clone https://github.com/lukewhrit/spacebin.git
$ cd spacebin

# Build the binary
$ make spirit

# Start Spacebin
$ SPIRIT_CONNECTION_URI="sqlite://database.sqlite" ./bin/spirit # SQLite
$ SPIRIT_CONNECTION_URI="mysql://<your instance URI>?parseTime=true" ./bin/spirit
$ SPIRIT_CONNECTION_URI="postgres://<your PostgreSQL instance URI>" ./bin/spirit # PostgreSQL

# Success! Spacebin is now available at port 9000 on your machine.

Environment Variables

Variable NameTypeDefaultDescription
SPIRIT_HOSTString0.0.0.0Host address to listen on
SPIRIT_PORTInt9000HTTP port to listen on
SPIRIT_RATELIMITERString200x5Requests allowed per second before the user is ratelimited
SPIRIT_CONNECTION_URIStringRequiredDatabase connection URI
SPIRIT_HEADLESSBoolFalseEnables/disables the web interface
SPIRIT_ANALYTICSString""<script> tag for analytics (leave blank to disable)
SPIRIT_ID_LENGTHInt8Length for document IDs
SPIRIT_ID_TYPE"key" or "phrase"keyFormat of IDs: key is a random string of letters and phrase is a combination of words
SPIRIT_MAX_SIZEInt400000Max allowed size of a document in bytes
SPIRIT_EXPIRATION_AGEInt64720Amount of time to expire documents after
SPIRIT_DOCUMENTS[]String[]List of any custom documents to serve

[!WARNING] Environment variables for Spacebin are prefixed with SPIRIT_. They will be updated to SPACEBIN_ in the next major version.

Database Connection URI

Spacebin supports two database formats: SQLite and Postgres


On the Web

To use Spacebin on the web, our team provides a web app. You can access the web app at spaceb.in. You must use https://spaceb.in/api to access the API routes.

A version of spacebin that is built directly from the develop branch is also available at staging.spaceb.in.


Since Spirit supports multipart/form-data uploads, it's extremely easy to use on the command line via curl. The scripts also use jq so that you can get a machine-readable version of the document's ID, instead of a lengthy JSON object.

To upload a string of text:

curl -v -F content="Hello, world!" https://spaceb.in/ | jq payload.id

To upload from a file:

curl -v -F content="$(cat helloworld.txt) https://spaceb.in/ | jq payload.id


There are three primary API routes to: create a document, fetch a documents text content in JSON format, and fetch a documents plain text content.

    "error": "",
    "payload": {
        "id": "WfwKGJfs",
        "content": "hello",
        "created_at": "2023-08-06T00:01:33.143532-04:00",
        "updated_at": "2023-08-06T00:01:33.143532-04:00"
    "error": "",
    "payload": {
        "id": "WfwKGJfs",
        "content": "hello",
        "created_at": "2023-08-06T00:01:33.143532-04:00",
        "updated_at": "2023-08-06T00:01:33.143532-04:00"

[!TIP] There are two additional non-API routes: /ping: returns a 200 OK if the service is online, and /config: returns a JSON body with the instances configuration settings.


Spacebin is a project designed and maintained by Luke Whritenour. Spacebin started out as a fork of hastebin. Although it no longer contains any code from the original, we'd like to acknowledge our roots regardless.

Spacebin itself is built using Go and various libraries (i.e. Chi, pq, Ozzo Validation, Cron, env).

A full list of code contributors is available on Github. We'd also like to thank @jackdorland for designing our logo/brand.


The Spacebin team takes security very seriously. If you detect a vulnerability please contact us via email (hello@spaceb.in) or create a vulnerability report via Github. We request that you hold of on publishing any vulnerabilities until after they've been patched, or at least 60 days have passed since you reported it.


Spacebin is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. A copy of this license can be found within the LICENSE file.