


concfg is a utility to import and export Windows console settings like fonts and colors.

Important Caveats

Screenshots of built-in presets and You Can Preview and Edit Themes Here!


If you have Scoop, you can install concfg with:

scoop install concfg

If you don't, you can download a zip of this repository, and add bin\concfg.ps1 to your PATH.


Using built-in presets

  1. Use a color scheme, for example use the Solarized dark color presets:
concfg import solarized-dark
  1. Add some opinioned settings (optional)
concfg import basic

This will import some opinioned non-color settings, such as fontFace and fontSize, etc.

    "font_face": "Lucida Console",
    "font_true_type": true,
    "font_size": "0x14",
    "font_weight": 400,
    "cursor_size": "small",
    "window_size": "80x25",
    "screen_buffer_size": "80x1000",
    "command_history_length": 50,
    "num_history_buffers": 4,
    "quick_edit": false,
    "insert_mode": true,
    "fullscreen": false,
    "load_console_IME": true

You can also import multiple presets at once, the later sources will override settings from the earlier ones.

concfg import solarized-dark basic
  1. If you want to revert to the default cmd color preset:
concfg import cmd-default

Or the default powershell color preset:

concfg import powershell-default

If you imported non-color settings such as fontFace, and you want to reset them:

concfg import basic-reset

Note: Since concfg will clean all program- or shortcut-specific settings stored in the registry or in the .lnk file. So when you import a color preset, all console applications (cmd.exe/powershell.exe) will use the same preset. You can not set cmd.exe to use cmd-default while set powershell to use powershell-default. That means when you import powershell-default, your cmd.exe will also become powershell-blue. This is a known issue and proper behavior.

There are two default cmd color presets cmd-default and cmd-legacy, please read this article to see the difference. And because of this, there are also two default powershell presets powershell-default and powershell-legacy.

Importing settings from a URL

concfg import https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukesampson/concfg/master/presets/solarized-light.json

This URL happens to be one of the built in presets. It's just an example of importing a URL. The easy way to get Solarized light would be concfg import solarized-light

Making your own settings to save or share

concfg export <path>


Type concfg without parameters to see the usage info.


Thanks to Stephen Edgar(@ntwb) for adding support for Chris Kempson's base16 color settings.

Thanks to Anant Anand Gupta and MindzGroup Technologies for the online preview and edit website.

Concfg uses Ethan Schoonover's Solarized color theme.
