

AutoMask - a Blender Add-on for automatic rotoscoping

This repository contains a Blender 2.8x Add-on that can mask an object in the Movie Clip Editor with the help of Machine Learning. AutoMask is the communication between Blender and SiamMask.

Here is an example for the usage of AutoMask. Example


First select a bounding box of the object. Then hit one of the track buttons. The masks for every frame will be saved in a separate and new Mask Layer. If you are using the single step masking as a starting point for your mask you can also



  1. Download the repository: Download the repository as .zip file and extract it or clone it to your computer.
  2. Python: To use this Add-on, several 3rd party libraries are required (see requirements.txt). You can either install the dependencies to the Blender python or if python is already installed on the system and the python version is compatible with the Blender python version you can also install the dependencies on your system.
  3. Adding the Project to the Python path: Open automask.py in your favorite text editor and replace PYTHON_PATH with the path to you python site-packages if needed and PROJECT_DIR with the path to the directory you downloaded this repository to.
  4. Install Dependencies:
  1. Model: The model weights for SiamMask can be downloaded from http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~qwang/SiamMask_VOT.pth. Save the file to the subfolder trackers/SiamMask under the name model.pth.
  2. Add to Blender: Installation


SiamMask, THOR