


iOS Abstract Parser

You may use the LAbstractParser class files in your project, or you may follow the steps below to clone the repo and use it as static library in your project. Check SampleParser for implementation example.

Integrating into your project as static library

  1. clone the LAbstractParser git repository e.g. git clone git://github.com/lukagabric/LAbstractParser.git
  2. add LAbstractParser.xcodeproj to your project, make sure "Copy items into ..." is unchecked
  3. in your target's Build Phases, under Link Binary With Libraries, click on the (+) and add the libLAbstractParser.a library
  4. add the relative path to the LAbstractParser header in your "User Header Search Path" Build Setting
  5. add -ObjC and -all_load to Other Linker Flags in your target's build settings


  1. subclass LAbstractParser
  2. implement didStartElement and didEndElement methods as explained below
  3. parse data (example below)
  4. get items using the itemsArray property


didStartElement and didEndElement methods

Subclass may implement the two methods as in the example below:

- (void)didStartElement
        _item = [SampleItem new];
        _item.identifier = [_attributesDict objectForKey:@"id"];
        _item.name = [_attributesDict objectForKey:@"name"];

- (void)didEndElement
    ifElement(@"item") [_items addObject:_item];
    elifElement(@"value") bindStr(_item.value);
    elifElement(@"cdataValue") bindStr(_item.cDataValue);
    elifElement(@"intValue") bindInt(_item.intValue);
    elifElement(@"floatValue") bindFloat(_item.floatValue);
    elifElement(@"number") bindNo(_item.number);


SampleParser *parser = [SampleParser new];
[parser parseData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"sample" withExtension:@"xml"]]];