A thin wrapper to use visdom as logger when training ML models
Start a visdom server:
python -m visdom.server -port 8097
In your training code, use the visdom_logger to monitor the training progress:
import numpy as np
from visdom_logger.logger import VisdomLogger
# Initialize the logger with the same port visdom is running
logger = VisdomLogger(port=8097)
for i in range(100): # Training iterations
loss = 100 - i # This is the loss we want to monitor
# Log the current loss:
logger.scalar('loss', i, loss) # This will update the visdom plot immediately
acc = i
# You can plot two scalars in the same plot:
logger.scalars(['loss', 'acc'], i, [loss, acc])
# Also display images
imgs = np.random.random((10, 3, 25, 25)) # 10 images of size 25x25x3
logger.images('images', imgs)
# Lastly, you can also save all plots to a file'my_plots.pth')
The code above will create the following plots in visdom:
You can re-load saved plots as follows:
python -m visdom_logger.load my_plots.pth -port 8097