

<img src="./samples/artificial_intelligence.png" width="250px"></img>

artificial intelligence

<img src="./samples/cosmic_love_and_attention.png" width="250px"></img>

cosmic love and attention

<img src="./samples/fire_in_the_sky.png" width="250px"></img>

fire in the sky

<img src="./samples/a_pyramid_made_of_ice.png" width="250px"></img>

a pyramid made of ice

<img src="./samples/a_lonely_house_in_the_woods.png" width="250px"></img>

a lonely house in the woods

<img src="./samples/marriage_in_the_mountains.png" width="250px"></img>

marriage in the mountains

<img src="./samples/a_lantern_dangling_from_the_tree_in_a_foggy_graveyard.png" width="250px"></img>

lantern dangling from a tree in a foggy graveyard

<img src="./samples/a_vivid_dream.png" width="250px"></img>

a vivid dream

<img src="./samples/balloons_over_the_ruins_of_a_city.png" width="250px"></img>

balloons over the ruins of a city

<img src="./samples/the_death_of_the_lonesome_astronomer.png" width="250px"></img>

the death of the lonesome astronomer - by <a href="https://github.com/moirage">moirage</a>

<img src="./samples/the_tragic_intimacy_of_the_eternal_conversation_with_oneself.png" width="250px"></img>

the tragic intimacy of the eternal conversation with oneself - by <a href="https://github.com/moirage">moirage</a>

<img src="./samples/demon_fire.png" width="250px"></img>

demon fire - by <a href="https://github.com/WiseNat">WiseNat</a>

Big Sleep

<a href="https://twitter.com/advadnoun">Ryan Murdock</a> has done it again, combining OpenAI's <a href="https://github.com/openai/CLIP">CLIP</a> and the generator from a <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.11096">BigGAN</a>! This repository wraps up his work so it is easily accessible to anyone who owns a GPU.

You will be able to have the GAN dream up images using natural language with a one-line command in the terminal.

Original notebook Open In Colab

Simplified notebook Open In Colab

User-made notebook with bugfixes and added features, like google drive integration Open In Colab


$ pip install big-sleep


$ dream "a pyramid made of ice"

Images will be saved to wherever the command is invoked


You can invoke this in code with

from big_sleep import Imagine

dream = Imagine(
    text = "fire in the sky",
    lr = 5e-2,
    save_every = 25,
    save_progress = True


You can now train more than one phrase using the delimiter "|"

Train on Multiple Phrases

In this example we train on three phrases:

from big_sleep import Imagine

dream = Imagine(
    text = "an armchair in the form of pikachu|an armchair imitating pikachu|abstract",
    lr = 5e-2,
    save_every = 25,
    save_progress = True


Penalize certain prompts as well!

In this example we train on the three phrases from before,

and penalize the phrases:

from big_sleep import Imagine

dream = Imagine(
    text = "an armchair in the form of pikachu|an armchair imitating pikachu|abstract",
    text_min = "blur|zoom",

You can also set a new text by using the .set_text(<str>) command

dream.set_text("a quiet pond underneath the midnight moon")

And reset the latents with .reset()


To save the progression of images during training, you simply have to supply the --save-progress flag

$ dream "a bowl of apples next to the fireplace" --save-progress --save-every 100

Due to the class conditioned nature of the GAN, Big Sleep often steers off the manifold into noise. You can use a flag to save the best high scoring image (per CLIP critic) to {filepath}.best.png in your folder.

$ dream "a room with a view of the ocean" --save-best

Larger model

If you have enough memory, you can also try using a bigger vision model released by OpenAI for improved generations.

$ dream "storm clouds rolling in over a white barnyard" --larger-model


You can set the number of classes that you wish to restrict Big Sleep to use for the Big GAN with the --max-classes flag as follows (ex. 15 classes). This may lead to extra stability during training, at the cost of lost expressivity.

$ dream 'a single flower in a withered field' --max-classes 15


<a href="https://github.com/lucidrains/deep-daze">Deep Daze</a> - CLIP and a deep SIREN network


    title  = {CLIP: Connecting Text and Images},
    author = {Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, Jong Wook Kim, Gretchen Krueger, Sandhini Agarwal},
    year   = {2021}
    title   = {Large Scale GAN Training for High Fidelity Natural Image Synthesis}, 
    author  = {Andrew Brock and Jeff Donahue and Karen Simonyan},
    year    = {2019},
    eprint  = {1809.11096},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {cs.LG}