


Apache HTTPD Tile Server Ecosystem

AHTSE is a collection of Apache httpd modules that can be used independently or combined to implement high performance and scalable tile services. While developed for geospatial applications, AHTSE can be used in other domains that need fast pan and zoom access to large datasets. The main AHTSE common feature that provides interoperability is the tile request format. The tile request supported by ATHSE is a REST request which ends with four integer values, path encoded as "tile/M/Level/Row/Column", called an MLRC tile address. The Level - Row - Column values are the usual tile and pyramid addressing values, while M is a server defined, multi-purpose value, exposing one or more extra dimensions of the served dataset. The M parameter is the only optional one, it defaults to zero when only three numerical parametes are available at the end of the URL.

AHTSE Components

CommonAHTSETop level AHTSE project, contains useful scripts to build AHTSE
libahtsecommon code, shared by AHTSE modules
libicdRaster format codecs with uniform access API
SourcesmrfServes tiles from an MRF file
ecacheServes tiles from an esri bundle cache, also cache other tile services
fractalINCOMPLETE Generates tiles of a fractal as a test source
TransformationsretileProjection, tile grid and scale, format change
convertData values and type conversions
fillinFill in missing tiles by oversampling lower resolution levels. It can be used to fill in sparse datasets, or to add oversampled levels.
pngmodPNG manipulation module, without a full transcode
ProtocoltwmsConverts requests from tWMS protocol to AHTSE style
UtilitiesreceiveSubrequest filter that enables passing tile data between AHTSE components
conditonal send fileUsed for protocol handshake files, it responds with the content from a static file to requests matching specific patterns
brunsliFilter to convert between JPEG JFIF and brunsli on the fly
luaAllows AHTSE modules to be extended with Lua scripts

Getting Started

This repository contains a few bash scripts that can be used to build most of the AHTSE components on an Amazon Linux instance. bootstrap.bash is the main build script