


LBLocation class will help you get the user location very easy and make forward and reverse geocoding.

How to use LBLocation class into your project

Import <code>CoreLocation, MapKit</code> and <code>AddressBookUI</code> frameworks.

Create the LBLocation object using <code>initWithLocationUpdateBlock:</code>.

The completionBlock will be called with the <code>CLLocation</code> value or, in case of error the completionBlock is called with a <code>nil</code> value.

The LBLocation class uses <code>NSNotificationCenter</code> and calls the <code>startLocationServices</code> method when the <code>UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification</code> notification is received. It also calls the <code>stopLocationServices</code> when the <code>UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification</code> notification is received.


     __weak ViewController *weakSelf = self;
    self.location = [[LBLocation alloc] initWithLocationUpdateBlock:^(CLLocation *location) {
        weakSelf.myLocation = location;

Reverse Geocoding

You can use <code>reverseGeocodeCurrentLocationWithCompletionBlock:</code> and <code>reverseGeocodeLocation:completionBlock:</code> methods and the completion block will be called with a <code>CLPlacemark</code> object or <code>nil</code> value.

You can get a string with the address from the CLPlacemark object using the <code>addressStringFromPlacemark:</code> method.

Forward Geocoding

You can use the <code>geocodeAddressString:completionBlock:</code> and <code>geocodeAddressDictionary:completionBlock:</code> methods,pass a string or dictionary with the address and the completion block will be called with a <code>CLLocation</code> object or <code>nil</code> value.


This content is released under the MIT License https://github.com/lucianboboc/LBLocation/blob/master/LICENSE.md
