This project will provide a collectionView delegate and data source class which implements the "Load more" option. To use this in your project you have to:
- copy the <code>LBCollectionModel</code>,<code>LBFooter</code> and <code>LBCell</code> classes into your project.
- In your view controller you have to instantiate this class: <code>self.collectionModel = [[LBCollectionModel alloc] initWithCollectionView: self.myCollectionView];</code>
- Perform an initial load: <code>[self.collectionModel loadInitialData];</code>
- Inside the <code>LBCollectionModel</code> class implementation replace the <code>fetchMoreDataFromTheServerOrFromDatabaseWithCount:</code> and <code>configureCell:atIndexPath:</code> methods with your implementation.
That's it, enjoy!