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Keep updated about each deploy via Tsuru.

This program will notify your team and many tools when someone has deployed any application via Tsuru.

Quick Start

First one, you have to create a hook's configuration file. This file describe wich hook will be dispatched and the your configurations (e.g webhook_url).

You can add this code into your file, hardcode mode:

  webhook_url: http://your.webhook.here

or using environment variable:

  webhook_url: $SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL

So now, You must add this code into your file (tsuru.yaml or tsuru.yml) located in the root of the application at hook's section.

    - curl -sSL https://github.com/lucasgomide/snitch/releases/download/0.1.0/snitch_0.1.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar xz
    - ./snitch_linux/snitch -c path/snitch_config.yml

Put the hook's configuration file path as argument for the -c option.



This option indicates where's the file with the hook's configurations see more.


Use it to validate if the snitch should be run. If you tsuru app name does not match it the value of -app-name-contains, the program will stop, and no errors will be raised.

Hook's Configurations

Here is all avaliables hook's configurations and your descriptions. Remember that you may use environment variables to define the options's values.


Snitch App Sample