


This code only works with clients that install the all-zero TK in a KraCK attack! Please, use this tool to verify if the client is vunarable to the attack.

Environment tested

This code was tested with the following equipaments:


Install the following dependencies on Kali Linux:

$sudo apt update
$sudo apt install libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev pkg-config libssl-dev net-tools git sysfsutils python-scapy python-pycryptodome

Install the following python package:

$pip install --user mitm_channel_based

Then disable hardware encryption using the script ./disable-hwcrypto.sh. It's recommended to reboot after executing this script. After plugging in your Wi-Fi NIC, use systool -vm ath9k_htc or similar to confirm the nohwcript/.. param has been set.

Tool usage

Below, I show an example of tool command line usage and then explain the arguments:

$sudo ./krackattack/krack_all_zero_tk.py wlan1 wlan0 usb0 "Familia Couto" -t 00:21:5d:ea:fe:be


Files Generated

After running the script for the first time, some new files will be generated:

Demostration Video

The following link contains a video that demonstrate this attack: demostration video