[Instructions for Environment Setting]
Step 1: Dependency setting
- We suggest using
to manage your packages. - To prevent conflicts between dependencies, the environment was not exported to a
file. Therefore, you will need to manually install the required packages according to the guidelines. - Using gpu version of pytorch will significantly accelerate the feature extraction procedure. Please refer to here for more detailed settings.
# Clone git
git clone
# Create conda environments
conda create -n rdfa-s6 python=3.11
conda activate rdfa-s6
# Install pytorch
pip install torch==2.1.2 torchvision==0.16.2 torchaudio==2.1.2 --index-url
# Build cmake libraries
cd ./build/causal-conv1d/
python develop
cd ../mamba/
python develop
cd ../nms_1d_cpu/
python install --user
cd ../..
# Install packages
pip install hydra-core
pip install wandb
pip install einops
pip install torchinfo ptflops thop
pip install pandas joblib
pip install tensorboard
pip install mmengine
Step 2: Configuration setting
- This project uses
to manage configuration files (.yaml
). The configuration files are structured into four types, with their respective locations and roles as follows:<br>
- run.yaml
Role: Configuration file for global variables, Hydra, Wandb, and system settings.
args: task: temporal_action_localization benchmark: THUMOS14 # Select one from the following options: [ActivityNet, FineAction, HACS, THUMOS14] model: RDFA-S6 # Choose the directory name located in tasks/${task}/models/ mode: train # Select either "train" or "test" exp_name: b2_me50_ResidualSharedBiMambaBackbone_v1.19.0-10 # Enter the name of your experiment checkpoint: latent # Choose either "latent" or specify your weight path gpuid: "0" # Specify your GPU index (only a single GPU is supported) model_path: tasks/${args.task}/models/${args.model} #! Don't change log_path: ${model_path}/logs/${args.benchmark}/${args.exp_name}/ #! Don't change benchmark_path: tasks/${args.task}/benchmarks/${args.benchmark} #! Don't change engine: ${model_path}/engine #! Don't change dataset: ${benchmark_path}/dataset #! Don't change model: ${model_path}/model #! Don't change wandb: login: key: "" #! Insert your wandb personal API key init: # Reference: entity: "" #! Insert your wandb profile name or team name project: "[Project] RSMamba-TAL-Dev" name: ${args.benchmark}-${args.model}-${args.exp_name} id: ${args.benchmark}-${args.model}-${args.exp_name} job_type: ${args.mode} group: tags: ["${args.benchmark}", "${args.model}"] notes: "RS-Mamba initial update" dir: ${log_path}/ #! Don't change resume: "auto" save_code: true reinit: false magic: ~ config_exclude_keys: [] config_include_keys: [] anonymous: mode: "online" allow_val_change: true force: false sync_tensorboard: false monitor_gym: false hydra: run: dir: ${log_path}/outputs #! Don't change job_logging: level: INFO #! Don't change sweep: dir: ${log_path}/multirun #! Don't change job: name: ${args.exp_name} #! Don't change id: ${args.exp_name} #! Don't change num: config_path: config_name: loguru: handlers: - sink: ${log_path}/loguru.log #! Don't change level: DEBUG #! Don't change format: "{time} {level} {message}" #! Don't change
- dataset.yaml
Role: Configuration file for data preprocessing and batching-related settings.
dataset: bench_info: num_classes: 20 # Adjust the value according to the number of classes handled by the benchmark. anno_info: format: file_path: "" # Insert the file path for the annotation. feat_info: format: dir_path: "" # Insert the directory path where the features are located. prefix: "" # Define this variable if you are using a prefix during preprocessing. type: "" # Define this variable if you are using a mid-term value during preprocessing. ext: "" # Define this variable if you are using an extension during preprocessing. meta: # Define and utilize preprocessing variables for the data. feat_stride: 4 downsample_rate: 1 num_frames: 16 default_fps: ~ max_seq_len: 2304 trunc_thresh: 0.5 crop_ratio: [0.9, 1.0] loader: # Set up the configurations related to the dataloader. pin_memory: false num_workers: 20 seed: 1234567891 batch_size: 2 max_seq_len: ${dataset.feat_info.meta.max_seq_len} padding_value: 0.0 max_div_factor: 1
- model.yaml
Role: Configuration file for architecture modeling-related settings.
model: backbone_info: name: ResidualSharedBiMambaBackbone ResidualSharedBiMambaBackbone: EmbeddingModule: input_c: 3200 emb_c: 512 kernel_size: 3 stride: 1 padding: ${floordiv:${model.backbone_info.ResidualSharedBiMambaBackbone.EmbeddingModule.kernel_size}, 2} dilation: 1 groups: 1 bias: false padding_mode: "zeros" StemModule: block_n: 1 emb_c: ${model.backbone_info.ResidualSharedBiMambaBackbone.EmbeddingModule.emb_c} kernel_size: 4 drop_path_rate: 0.3 recurrent: 4 BranchModule: block_n: 5 emb_c: ${model.backbone_info.ResidualSharedBiMambaBackbone.EmbeddingModule.emb_c} kernel_size: 4 drop_path_rate: 0.3 neck_info: name: FPNIdentity FPNIdentity: in_channels: 512 out_channel: 512 with_ln: true scale_factor: 2 FPN1D: in_channels: 512 out_channel: 512 with_ln: true scale_factor: 2 generator_info: name: PointGenerator PointGenerator: max_seq_len: 2304 max_buffer_len_factor: 6.0 scale_factor: 2 fpn_levels: # TBD regression_range: [[0, 4], [4, 8], [8, 16], [16, 32], [32, 64], [64, 10000]] head_info: name: - PtTransformerClsHead - PtTransformerRegHead PtTransformerClsHead: input_dim: 512 # fpn_dim feat_dim: 512 # head_dim num_classes: 20 prior_prob: 0.01 num_layers: 3 kernel_size: 3 with_ln: true empty_cls: [] PtTransformerRegHead: input_dim: 512 # fpn_dim feat_dim: 512 # head_dim fpn_levels: # TBD num_layers: 3 kernel_size: 3 with_ln: true
- engine.yaml
Role: Configuration file for train/infer-related settings for the target model.
engine: max_epochs: 50 clip_grad_l2norm: 1.0 print_freq: 5 center_sample: radius center_sample_radius: 1.5 init_loss_norm: 100 init_loss_norm_momentum: 0.9 label_smoothing: 0.0 loss_weight: 1.0 pre_nms_thresh: 0.001 pre_nms_topk: 2000 duration_thresh: 0.05 nms_method: soft iou_threshold: 0.1 min_score: 0.001 max_seg_num: 200 multiclass_nms: true nms_sigma: 0.5 voting_thresh: 0.7 ext_score_file: criterion: name: loss1 optimizer: name: AdamW SGD: lr: 1.0e-4 momentum: 0.9 weight_decay: 5.0e-2 AdamW: lr: 1.0e-4 weight_decay: 5.0e-2 scheduler: name: LinearWarmupCosineAnnealingLR LinearWarmupCosineAnnealingLR: T_max: ${engine.max_epochs} T_warmup: 5 warmup_start_lr: 0.0 eta_min: 1e-8 LinearWarmupMultiStepLR: T_warmup: 5 milestones: [30, 60, 90] warmup_start_lr: 0.0 gamma: 0.1 CosineAnnealingLR: max_epochs: ${engine.max_epochs} eta_min: 0 MultiStepLR: milestone_epochs: [] gamma: 0.1
[Instructions for Running the Engine]
- This project provides monitoring with
by default, and optionally withwandb
. If the API key for wandb is not provided in the settings,wandb
will not be used, and onlyTensorBoard
will be available for monitoring.<br>
Step 1: Set up configuration files
Set up the configuration by referring to the comments in each configuration file.
Step 2: Run target model's engine
Once the configuration setup is complete, run the
as follows.
[Pretrained Weights Download]
Link: Dropbox
If you use this code or dataset in your research, please cite our paper:
title={Enhancing Temporal Action Localization: Advanced S6 Modeling with Recurrent Mechanism},
author={Lee, Sangyoun and Jung, Juho and Oh, Changdae and Yun, Sunghee},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.13078},