

<img align="left" width="85" height="85" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lppedd/idea-conventional-commit-angular2/master/images/cc_angular_logo.png" alt="Plugin logo">

Angular Conventional Commit

Available @ JetBrains Plugins Repository

Looking for the latest plugin binaries? Get them here as .zip
<small>Supported IDE versions: 192.* to 203.* (both inclusive)</small>

This plugin extends the functionality of Conventional Commit in Angular (2+) contexts.

Angular commit message guidelines are followed to provide additional commit types, and projects are searched for NgModule annotated classes to provide additional commit scopes.

<br /> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lppedd/idea-conventional-commit-angular2/master/images/ngmodules.png" alt="NgModule scopes">

Why Java and not Kotlin?

The answer to that question is straightforward: bundle size.
I want to keep Conventional Commit extensions as small as possible.
