Inspect the status of running systemd units.
gleam add systemd_status
import systemd_status
// In this example we're also using the shellout package
import shellout
pub fn main() {
let #(command, arguments) = systemd_status.unit_property_list_command("my-service")
let assert Ok(output) = shellout.command(command, arguments, in: ".", opt: [])
let assert Ok(service) = systemd_status.parse_service(output)
// Service(
// id: "my-service.service",
// type_: SimpleService,
// load_state: Loaded,
// active_state: Active,
// sub_state: "running",
// result: "success",
// main_pid: Some(3_764_255),
// description: Some("Super cool important service"),
// state_change_timestamp: Some("Tue 2024-02-27 22:50:37 UTC"),
// active_enter_timestamp: Some("Tue 2024-02-27 22:50:37 UTC"),
// active_exit_timestamp: Some("Tue 2024-02-27 22:50:37 UTC"),
// inactive_enter_timestamp: Some("Tue 2024-02-27 22:50:37 UTC"),
// inactive_exit_timestamp: Some("Tue 2024-02-27 22:50:37 UTC"),
// )
Further documentation can be found at