


What is Nagdash?

Nagdash is the long awaited replacement of Naglite2.

Written in PHP, it uses the Nagios-api, PHP and a sprinkling of jQuery and Bootstrap to provide a full screen, clean Nagios experience which is suitable either for a Dashboard/NOC screen, or simply a simple view to replace the Nagios UI.


Naglite2, the first iteration, was dependant on parsing the status.dat file that Nagios writes, so it had to live on your local machine. The code was also mostly borrowed from Naglite, and was poorly written and fairly unmaintainable. This project seeks to fix those two issues, primarily.


On a monitor

On a monitor

Easy to read tags

Easy to read tags

Service states

Service states

Easy to read duration/attempts

Easy to read duration/attempts

Reminder of all the 'known' issues

Reminder of all the 'known' issues

Hover over the row for one click service actions

Hover next to a service for one click service actions. Schedule downtime (choose length), enable/disable notifications, and acknowledge service problems directly from Nagdash.

Easy config

Easy configuration

Choose your instances

Live settings screen (accessed using the 's' key) lets you choose which Nagios instances and host patterns are important to you on this copy of Nagdash.



  1. Download/clone the repo into an appropriate folder either in your webservers directory or symlinked to it. Make sure to point the DocumentRoot to the htdocs folder.
  2. Move config.php.example to config.php, edit with your favourite editor and add your Nagios host(s) to the Nagios hosts array. (see screenshot above)
  3. Load index.php in your browser and if all goes well, you will see your Nagios installation come to life, and refresh every 20 seconds.
  4. Reward yourself with a refreshing beverage.

Advanced configuration

The configuration file is fairly simple at this point, but here's an explanation of all the parts.

Nagios hosts array

* Hostname: The hostname or IP address of a server running the nagios-api
* Port: The port the nagios-api instance is running on
* Protocol: http or https
* Tag: The text that should be displayed against all hosts and services from this instance.
* Tagcolour: The background colour of the tag that is displayed next to all hosts and services from this instance.

On the fly configuration

You can access the settings dialog inside of Nagdash by pressing the 's' key.

Currently the following things are configurable when using Nagdash:

This information is set using a cookie on your local machine, so you can customise Nagdash to your own needs without affecting others.

Known issues