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What is loxilb

loxilb is an open source cloud-native load-balancer based on GoLang/eBPF with the goal of achieving cross-compatibility across a wide range of on-prem, public-cloud or hybrid K8s environments. loxilb is being developed to support the adoption of cloud-native tech in telco, mobility, and edge computing.

Kubernetes with loxilb

Kubernetes defines many service constructs like cluster-ip, node-port, load-balancer, ingress etc for pod to pod, pod to service and outside-world to service communication.

LoxiLB Cover

All these services are provided by load-balancers/proxies operating at Layer4/Layer7. Since Kubernetes's is highly modular, these services can be provided by different software modules. For example, kube-proxy is used by default to provide cluster-ip and node-port services. For some services like LB and Ingress, no default is usually provided.

Service type load-balancer is usually provided by public cloud-provider(s) as a managed entity. But for on-prem and self-managed clusters, there are only a few good options available. Even for provider-managed K8s like EKS, there are many who would want to bring their own LB to clusters running anywhere. Additionally, Telco 5G and edge services introduce unique challenges due to the variety of exotic protocols involved, including GTP, SCTP, SRv6, SEPP, and DTLS, making seamless integration particularly challenging. <b>loxilb provides service type load-balancer as its main use-case</b>. loxilb can be run in-cluster or ext-to-cluster as per user need.

loxilb works as a L4 load-balancer/service-proxy by default. Although L4 load-balancing provides great performance and functionality, an equally performant L7 load-balancer is also necessary in K8s for various use-cases. loxilb also supports L7 load-balancing in the form of Kubernetes Ingress implementation which is enhanced with eBPF sockmap helpers. This also benefit users who need L4 and L7 load-balancing under the same hood.

Additionally, loxilb also supports:

Telco-Cloud with loxilb

For deploying telco-cloud with cloud-native functions, loxilb can be used as an enhanced SCP(service communication proxy). SCP is a communication proxy defined by 3GPP and aimed at telco micro-services running in cloud-native environment. Read more in this blog image

Telco-cloud requires load-balancing and communication across various interfaces/standards like N2, N4, E2(ORAN), S6x, 5GLAN, GTP etc. Each of these present its own unique challenges which loxilb aims to solve e.g.:

Why choose loxilb?

Overall features of loxilb

Components of loxilb

Architectural Considerations

Getting Started

loxilb as ext-cluster pod

loxilb as in-cluster pod

loxilb as service-proxy (kube-proxy replacement)

loxilb as Kubernetes Ingress

loxilb in standalone mode

Advanced Guides




Join the loxilb Slack channel to chat with loxilb developers and other loxilb users. This is a good place to learn about loxilb, ask questions, and work collaboratively.

General Discussion

Feel free to post your queries in github discussion. If you find any issue/bugs, please raise an issue in github and members from loxilb community will be happy to help.

Community Posts

CICD Workflow Status

build workflowDocker-Multi-ArchDocker-Multi-ArchDocker-Multi-Arch
simple workflowSanity-CI-Ubuntu-22Sanity-CI-Ubuntu-24Sanity-CI-RH9
extlb workflowextlb workflowextlb workflowAdv-LB-Sanity-CI-RH9
K3s TestsK8s Cluster TestsEKS Test

📚 Please check loxilb website for more detailed info.