

lowRISC chip

The root git repo for lowRISC development and FPGA demos.

master status: master build status

update status: update build status

dev status: dev build status

Current version: Release version 0.4 (05-2017) --- lowRISC with tagged memory and minion core

To download the repo:

git clone -b minion-v0.4 --recursive https://github.com/lowrisc/lowrisc-chip.git

For the previous release:

# Version 0.3: lowRISC with a trace debugger (07-2016)
git clone -b debug-v0.3 --recursive https://github.com/lowrisc/lowrisc-chip.git

# Version 0.2: untethered lowRISC (12-2015)
git clone -b untether-v0.2 --recursive https://github.com/lowrisc/lowrisc-chip.git

# Version 0.1: tagged memory (04-2015)
git clone -b tagged-memory-v0.1 --recursive https://github.com/lowrisc/lowrisc-chip.git

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