

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/jorgebucaran/hyperapp"> <img alt="Hyperapp starter logo" src="https://github.com/loteoo/hyperapp-starter/blob/main/public/logo.png" width="80" /> </a> </p> <h1 align="center"> Hyperapp starter </h1>

Starter template to get started quickly with Hyperapp + TypeScript + Vite.

🚀 Quick start:

Click here to use this template, or run these commands:

# Clone project
git clone https://github.com/loteoo/hyperapp-starter.git

cd hyperapp-starter

npm i               # Install dependencies
npm run dev         # Dev server
npm run build       # Build for production
npm run preview     # Preview production build

Or use a .zip download


Live demo

See live demo here: https://hyperapp-starter.pages.dev/

Basic CRUD actions with hyperapp 2.0

<!-- ### Need code splitting and pre-rendering out of the box? Checkout [hyperstatic](https://github.com/loteoo/hyperstatic) and the [hyperstatic starter](https://github.com/loteoo/hyperstatic-starter) instead! -->

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