

🦜🔗 Codespaces LangChain Template

This template provides a one-click dev environment for building "LLM apps" with LangChain, Codespaces, and GPT-3. With it, you'll get free access to a VS Code-based web editor, complete with a fully-configured Python playground, that includes the neccessary SDKs, libraries, and IDE extensions 🐱‍💻

<img width="700px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116461/214455181-bee24f04-3ad1-4269-ad1f-3428a3e860ea.png" />

Getting Started

  1. Create a repo from this template, by clicking the green Use this template button, and selecting Create a new repository. Name the repo whatever you'd like 👍

    <img width="150px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116461/214456882-1821146a-5d10-4571-b55f-69254800776f.png" />
  2. In order to interact with GPT-3, you'll need to create an account with OpenAI, and generate an API key that LangChain can use. Once you have that, create a new Codespaces repo secret named OPENAI_API_KEY, and set it to the value of your API key.

  3. Open your new repo in a Codespace by clicking the green Code button on the repo's homepage, and selecting Create codespace on main

    <img width="300px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/116461/214457831-28778e80-d314-4c7c-a199-948d5d9828e9.png" />
  4. Once you're within the web editor, simply open any of the notebooks within the /examples folder, and select Run All in the notebook's toolbar. From there, you can change any of the prompts and/or code, and then re-run the cell/notebook, in order to get a better intuition for how LangChain can help you build your own custom chains 🚀

Optionally, if you'd like to explore the sample that automates Google search qierues, create an account with SerpAPI, generate an API key, and set it as a Codespaces secret called SERPAPI_API_KEY.