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Parse your environment with Zod.

Pass in a schema and your process.env. Get back a validated, type-safe, read-only environment object that you can export for use in your app. You can optionally provide defaults (which can be matched against NODE_ENV values like production or development), as well as help strings that will be included in the error thrown when an env var is missing.


Unstable: znv has not yet hit v1.0.0, and per semver there may be breaking changes in minor versions before the v1.0.0 release. Any (known) breaking changes will be documented in release notes. znv is used in production in several services at the primary author's workplace. Feedback and suggestions about final API design are welcome.



npm i znv zod
# or
yarn add znv zod

Create a file named something like env.ts:

import { parseEnv } from "znv";
import { z } from "zod";

export const { NICKNAME, LLAMA_COUNT, COLOR, SHINY } = parseEnv(process.env, {
  NICKNAME: z.string().min(1),
  LLAMA_COUNT: z.number().int().positive(),
  COLOR: z.enum(["red", "blue"]),
  SHINY: z.boolean().default(true),

console.log([NICKNAME, LLAMA_COUNT, COLOR, SHINY].join(", "));

Let's run this with ts-node:

$ LLAMA_COUNT=huge COLOR=cyan ts-node env.ts
<img src="example.png" width="658" alt="A screenshot showing error output, with parsing errors aggregated and grouped by env var.">

Oops! Let's fix those issues:

$ LLAMA_COUNT=24 COLOR=red NICKNAME=coolguy ts-node env.ts

Now we see the expected output:

coolguy, 24, red, true

Since parseEnv didn't throw, our exported values are guaranteed to be defined. Their TypeScript types will be inferred based on the schemas we used — COLOR will be even be typed to the union of literal strings 'red' | 'blue' rather than just string.

A more elaborate example:

// znv re-exports zod as 'z' to save a few keystrokes.
import { parseEnv, z, port } from "znv";

  parseEnv(process.env, {
    // you can provide defaults with `.default()`. these will be validated
    // against the schema.
    API_SERVER: z.string().url().default("https://api.llamafy.biz"),

    // specs can also be more detailed.
    HOST: {
      schema: z.string().min(1),

      // the description is handy as in-code documentation, but is also printed
      // to the console if validation for this env var fails.
      description: "The hostname for this service.",

      // instead of specifying defaults as part of the zod schema, you can pass
      // them in the `defaults` object. a default will be matched based on the
      // value of `NODE_ENV`.
      defaults: {
        production: "my-cool-llama.website",
        test: "cool-llama-staging.cloud-provider.zone",

        // "_" is a special token that can be used in `defaults`. its value will
        // be used if `NODE_ENV` doesn't match any other provided key.
        _: "localhost",

    // znv provides helpers for a few very common environment var types not
    // covered by zod. these can have further refinements chained to them:
    PORT: port().default(8080),

    // using a zod `array()` or `object()` as a spec will make znv attempt to
    // `JSON.parse` the env var if it's present.
    EDITORS: z.array(z.string().min(1)),

    // optional values are also supported and provide a way to benefit from the
    // validation and static typing provided by zod even if you don't want to
    // error out on a missing value.
    POST_LIMIT: z.number().optional(),

    // use all of the expressiveness of zod, including enums and post-processing.
      .enum(["prod", "staging"])
      .transform((prefix) =>
        prefix ? `http://auth-${prefix}.cool-llama.app` : "http://localhost:91"

If any env var fails validation, parseEnv() will throw. All failing specs will be aggregated in the error message, with each showing the received value, the reason for the failure, and a hint about the var's purpose (if description was provided in the spec).


Environment variables are one way to pass runtime configuration into your application. As promoted by the Twelve-Factor App methodology, this helps keep config (which can vary by deployment) cleanly separated from code, encouraging maintainable practices and better security hygiene. But passing in configuration via env vars can often turn into an ad-hoc affair, with access and validation scattered across your codebase. At worst, a misconfigured environment will launch and run without apparent error, with issues only making themselves apparent later when a certain code path is hit. A good way to avoid this is to declare and validate environment variables in one place and export the validated result, so that other parts of your code can make their dependencies on these vars explicit.

Env vars represent one of the boundaries of your application, just like file I/O or a server request. In TypeScript, as in many other typed languages, these boundaries present a challenge to maintaining a well-typed app. Zod does an excellent job at parsing and validating poorly-typed data at boundaries into clean, well-typed values. znv facilitates its use for environment validation.

What does znv actually do?

znv is a small module that works hand-in-hand with Zod. Since env vars, when defined, are always strings, Zod schemas like z.number() will fail to parse them out-of-the-box. Zod allows you to use a preprocess schema to handle coercions, but peppering your schemas with preprocessors to this end is verbose, error-prone, and clunky. znv wraps each of the Zod schemas you pass to parseEnv in a preprocessor that tries to coerce a string to a type the schema expects.

These preprocessors don't do any validation of their own — in fact, they try to do as little work as possible and defer to your schema to handle the validation. In practice, this should be pretty much transparent to you, but you can check out the coercion rules if you'd like more info.

Since v3.20, Zod provides z.coerce for primitive coercion, but this is often too naive to be useful. For example, z.coerce.boolean() will parse "false" into true, since the string "false" is truthy in JavaScript. znv will coerce "false" into false, which is probably what you expect.

znv also makes it easy to define defaults for env vars based on your environment. Zod allows you to add a default value for a schema, but making a given default vary by environment or only act as a fallback in certain environments is not straightforward.


parseEnv(environment, schemas)

Parse the given environment using the given schemas. Returns a read-only object that maps the keys of the schemas object to their respective parsed values.

Throws if any schema fails to parse its respective env var. The error aggregates all parsing failures for the schemas.

environment: Record<string, string | undefined>

You usually want to pass in process.env as the first argument.

It is not recommended to use znv for general-purpose schema validation — just use Zod (with preprocessors to handle coercion, if necessary).

schemas: Record<string, ZodType | DetailedSpec>

Maps env var names to validators. You can either use a Zod schema directly, or pass a DetailedSpec object that has the following fields:

Extra schemas

znv exports a very small number of extra schemas for common env var types.


port() is an alias for z.number().int().nonnegative().lte(65535).


deprecate() is an alias for z.undefined().transform(() => undefined as never). parseEnv will throw if a var using the deprecate() schema is passed in from the environment.

Coercion rules

znv tries to do as little work as possible to coerce env vars (which are always strings when they're present) to the input types of your schemas. If the env var doesn't look like the input type, znv will pass it to the validator as-is with the assumption that the validator will throw. For example, if your schema is z.number(), znv will test it against a numeric regex first, rather than unconditionally wrap it in Number() or parseFloat() (and thus coerce it to NaN).

By modifying as little as possible, znv tries to get out of Zod's way and let it do the heavy lifting of validation. This also lets us produce less confusing error messages: if you pass the string "banana" to your number schema, it should be able to say "you gave me 'banana' instead of a number!" rather than "you gave me NaN instead of a number!"

Coercions only happen at the top level of a schema. If you define an object with nested schemas, no coercions will be applied to the keys.

Some notable coercion mechanics:

Comparison to other libraries


Envalid is a nice library that inspired znv's API design. Envalid is written in TypeScript and performs some inference of the return value based on the validator schema you pass in, but won't do things like narrow enumerated types (str({ choices: ['a', 'b'] })) to a union of literals. Expressing defaults is more limited (you can't have different defaults for test and development environments, for example). Defaults are not passed through validators.

Envalid's validators are built-in and express a handful of types with limited options and no ability to perform postprocessing. For other use cases you have to write your own custom validators.

Envalid wraps its return value in a proxy, which can't be opted out of and has some surprising effects.


Joi is the Cadillac of schema validation libraries. Its default of coercing strings to the target type makes it easy to adopt for environment validation. Unfortunately, Joi is written in JavaScript and its type definitions support a very limited form of inference when they work at all.


Hey, what's Zod doing here? Doesn't znv use Zod?

If you just want to parse some values against a certain schema, you might not need znv. Just use Zod directly.

znv is best-suited for environment validation: it automatically wraps your Zod schemas in preprocessors that coerce env vars, which are always strings, into the appropriate type. This is different from Zod's built-in z.coerce, which is often too naive to be useful. For example, z.coerce.boolean() will parse "false" into true, since the string "false" is truthy in JavaScript. znv will coerce "false" into false, which is probably what you expect. Check the section on coercion rules for more information.

Complementary tooling

The eslint-plugin-node rule no-process-env is recommended to restrict usage of process.env outside of the module that parses your schema.

znv also works great with dotenv.

How do I pronounce znv?

If you usually pronounce "z" as "zed," then you could say "zenv." If you usually pronounce "z" as "zee," you could say "zee en vee."

Or do your own thing. I'm not the boss of you.