

Overlays for OpenAPI

This NodeJS library is an implementation of the in-progress OpenAPI Overlays Specification.

About Overlays

Overlays are a way to extend or enhance an existing OpenAPI description by adding, updating or removing fields. For example:

By using Overlays to describe and apply the changes, when the API description is updated, the same changes can instantly be re-applied.


Install the overlayjs command from npm with the following command:

npm install -g openapi-overlays-js

The -g switch installs it globally so you can use the command from anywhere on your system.

Pro-tip: use node index.js from the root of the project if you're using the bleeding edge of the project or working on a branch.


Example: overlayjs --openapi openapi.yml --overlay add-sparkle.yaml

Use overlayjs --help to see the usage information.

See docs/examples for more examples.

Project status

:warning: Project status: alpha

This project is very much at an alpha stage but feedback, comments and questions are all very welcome as issues on this repository - and pull requests are also gratefully received. It would be excellent to hear what problem this tool can solve, and how you get on with it. Bonus points if you can share examples (working or broken) of what you tried.