

CakePHP Sentry Plugin

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CakePHP integration for Sentry.

ℹ️ This is a refactored version of https://github.com/Connehito/cake-sentry to remove deprecation warnings introduced in CakePHP 4.4

ℹ️ If you are using CakePHP 3.x or 4.0 - 4.3 please use the plugin from Connehito linked above


Version table

PHPCakePHPself-hosted Sentry
1.x^7.4 || ^8.0^4.4🤷🏻
3.x^8.1^5.0>= v20.6.0


composer require lordsimal/cakephp-sentry


Set config files

// in `config/app.php`
return [
    'Sentry' => [
        'dsn' => '<sentry-dsn-url>',
        'environment' => 'production',

Loading plugin

In Application.php

public function bootstrap()


Or use the cake CLI.

bin/cake plugin load CakeSentry

That's all! 🎉

⚠️️ If events (error/exception) are not captured in Sentry try changing the order in which the plugins are loaded.

Advanced Usage

Ignore specific exceptions

You can filter out noisy exceptions which should not be debugged further.

// in `config/app.php`
'Error' => [
    'skipLog' => [

Also see CakePHP Cookbook

Set Options

Everything inside the 'Sentry' configuration key will be passed to \Sentry\init().
Please check Sentry's official documentation on about configuration and about php-sdk's configuraion.

CakeSentry also provides custom event hooks to set dynamic values.

Event NameDescription
CakeSentry.Client.afterSetupGeneral config for e.g. a release info
CakeSentry.Client.beforeCaptureBefore an error or exception is being sent to sentry
CakeSentry.Client.afterCaptureAfter an error or exception has been sent to sentry

Example for CakeSentry.Client.afterSetup

use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Event\EventListenerInterface;

class SentryOptionsContext implements EventListenerInterface
    public function implementedEvents(): array  
        return [
            'CakeSentry.Client.afterSetup' => 'setServerContext',

    public function setServerContext(Event $event): void
        /** @var \CakeSentry\Http\SentryClient $subject */
        $subject = $event->getSubject();
        $options = $subject->getHub()->getClient()->getOptions();


And in config/bootstrap.php

\Cake\Event\EventManager::instance()->on(new SentryOptionsContext());

Example for CakeSentry.Client.beforeCapture

use Cake\Event\Event;
use Cake\Event\EventListenerInterface;
use Sentry\State\Scope;

use function Sentry\configureScope as sentryConfigureScope;

class SentryErrorContext implements EventListenerInterface
    public function implementedEvents(): array
        return [
            'CakeSentry.Client.beforeCapture' => 'setContext',

    public function setContext(Event $event): void
        if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {
            sentryConfigureScope(function (Scope $scope) use ($event) {
                $request = \Cake\Routing\Router::getRequest();
                $scope->setTag('app_version',  $request->getHeaderLine('App-Version') ?: 1.0);
                $exception = $event->getData('exception');
                if ($exception) {
                    assert($exception instanceof \Exception);
                    $scope->setTag('status', $exception->getCode());
                $scope->setUser(['ip_address' => $request->clientIp()]);
                    'foo' => 'bar',
                    'request attributes' => $request->getAttributes(),

And in config/bootstrap.php

\Cake\Event\EventManager::instance()->on(new SentryErrorContext());

Example for CakeSentry.Client.afterCapture

use Cake\Event\Event;

class SentryErrorContext implements EventListenerInterface
    public function implementedEvents(): array
        return [
            'CakeSentry.Client.afterCapture' => 'callbackAfterCapture',

    public function callbackAfterCapture(Event $event): void
        $lastEventId = $event->getData('lastEventId');

Query logging (optional)

If you want sentry events to also have query logging enabled you can do this via your config:

'CakeSentry' => [
    'enableQueryLogging' => true

If you want queries related to schema reflection also inside your events then you can enable that via

'CakeSentry' => [
    'includeSchemaReflection' => true


The plugin is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.