

ChatGPT + Enterprise data with Azure OpenAI

This demo is based on azure-search-openai-demo and using static web app for frontend and Azure functions for the backend API's.

In addition to azure-search-openai-demo feature this repo includes:

<img src="docs/uploadscreen.png" width="600">

High Level Overview of components

<img src="docs/appcomponents.png" width="600">

Getting Started

IMPORTANT: In order to deploy and run this example, you'll need an Azure subscription with access enabled for the Azure OpenAI service. You can request access here. You can also visit here to get some free Azure credits to get you started.

AZURE RESOURCE COSTS by default this sample will create Azure App Service and Azure Cognitive Search resources that have a monthly cost, as well as Form Recognizer resource that has cost per document page. You can switch them to free versions of each of them if you want to avoid this cost by changing the parameters file under the infra folder (though there are some limits to consider; for example, you can have up to 1 free Cognitive Search resource per subscription, and the free Form Recognizer resource only analyzes the first 2 pages of each document.)


To Run Locally

NOTE: Your Azure Account must have Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions, such as User Access Administrator or Owner.


Project Initialization

  1. Create a new folder and switch to it in the terminal
  2. Run azd login
  3. Run az account set --subscription "<your target subscription>"
  4. Run azd init
    • For the target location, the regions that currently support the models used in this sample are East US or South Central US. For an up-to-date list of regions and models, check here. Make sure that all the intended services for this deployment have availability in your targeted regions.

Starting from scratch

Execute the following command, if you don't have any pre-existing Azure services and want to start from a fresh deployment.

  1. Run azd up - This will provision Azure resources and deploy this sample to those resources
  2. After the application has been successfully deployed you will see a URL printed to the console. Click that URL to interact with the application in your browser.

NOTE: It may take a minute for the application to be fully deployed.

Use existing resources

  1. Run azd env set AZURE_OPENAI_SERVICE {Name of existing OpenAI service}
  2. Run azd env set AZURE_OPENAI_RESOURCE_GROUP {Name of existing resource group that OpenAI service is provisioned to}
  3. Run azd env set AZURE_OPENAI_CHATGPT_DEPLOYMENT {Name of existing ChatGPT deployment}. Only needed if your ChatGPT deployment is not the default 'chat'.
  4. Run azd env set AZURE_OPENAI_GPT_DEPLOYMENT {Name of existing GPT deployment}. Only needed if your ChatGPT deployment is not the default 'davinci'.
  5. Run azd up

NOTE: You can also use existing Search and Storage Accounts. See ./infra/main.parameters.json for list of environment variables to pass to azd env set to configure those existing resources.

Deploying or re-deploying a local clone of the repo


Once in the web app:


How to purge aad auth

To remove your data from Azure Static Web Apps, go to https://identity.azurestaticapps.net/.auth/purge/aad

Upload files failures

Currently only PDF docs are supported try to limit to smaller files. Support for large PDF file uploads and other doc version will be added soon

Azure functions troubleshooting

Enable application insights and check if you have all the required settings configured correctly