


A bangumi auto download and management project This is the backend part.

This repository is archived, the project is suceeded by project-mira: https://github.com/irohalab/Albireo


There are an existed resolution for auto download bangumi from dmhy or other bt site by using flexget to parse the rss feed periodically. but that resolution is hard to manage the downloaded file when the number of bangumi is growing. So I write this project to make the same way to auto download bangumi but associate the downloaded file with information provided by bangumi.tv. further more, the information can be used for more user friendly function.



Run with Docker

Nginx Configuration



Upgrade From Old Version

Client Apps



requirements: python 2.7, deluge ( >= 1.3.13 ), postgresql 9.3 and above, ffmpeg, nodejs, python-imaging


NOTE: ffmpeg is presume accessible with ffmpeg command

config file

Setup your config file by copying the config/config-sample.yml to config/config.yml, then modify the database and deluge config on demand

There are some config that must be modified before your run the project

init database

using tools.py in the root directory of this project to init db

$ python tools.py --db-init # create tables if not exists

$ python tools.py --user-add admin 1234  # admin is username 1234 is password

$ python tools.py --user-promote admin 3  # admin is username 3 is the level, currently means super user

set your server locale

To avoid some unicode issues, it is recommended to set locale of your server


the server is a flask app which provide http API for management and end user page (currently not completed).

In development mode, using flask built-in server:

run python server.py, if you set the environment variable DEBUG=True, the debug info will be print to log

In production mode, using twistd as WSGI container

twistd -n web --port 5000 --wsgi appd.app

Nginx Configuration

To serve the static files like images and videos, you need to setup a static file server, we recommend using nginx. Here are nginx configurations.

You need to serve the following url pattern.


In fact, you just need to take the path part after /pic/ and append to your download location. the actual file is there.

For example your download path is /path/to/videos which is set in config/config.yml download location section

server {
	listen 8000 default_server;
	root /path/to/videos;
	server_name localhost;
	location ~ ^(?:/pic|/video)/(.+) {
		try_files /$1 $uri =404;

According to your environment and configuration, the nginx configuration may different from this example.


Scheduler is the core of this project ,it work like an cron daemon and periodically visit the bangumi table to see if there are episode need to be downloaded.

To run Scheduler, run python scheduler.py is enough, if you set environment variable DEBUG to True, debug info will be printed.


You need to add some keywords in the admin bangumi detail page for the site you want scan. currently dmhy and acg.rip are supported. the rule for keywords can be found in corresponding site's help document.

Client Apps


Web App + Admin Console: https://github.com/lordfriend/Deneb


Android App

Megumin contains all function except the admin console. support Android TV and mobile.

Get On Google Play

Mana Android client for Albireo.Use todo-mvp pattern

Get On Google Play


If you are developer, you may want to receive and collect crash log. This function is already integrated. We use Sentry to collect crash log and make an alert to developer.

To enable Sentry, you need copy and rename config/sentry-sample.yml to config/sentry.yml and then modify the web_api and scheduler to your own DSN. It is suggested using different dsn for each one, but use the same is ok.