

Arxiv Papers

ArXiv Papers is a mobile application to search, download and save arXiv papers. Developed using a react native / redux framework and is currently available for Android smartphone and tablet devices. More details available in the blog article.

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arXiv Papers Android App

Install & Run

After cloning repository, install the app's dependencies by running the following command in the root directory:

npm install

The application uses Firebase to collect error reports and analytics, so you will need a google-services.json to identify the target Firebase project. You can follow this small guide to do so. After downloading google-services.json, copy it into the android/app/ folder.

Launch the bundler server and run the debug version on an Android device:

npm run android


Unit and Integration Tests

npm run test:unitIntegration

End to End

The Detox automation library is used for this purpose.

First build the app and test apks:

npm run test:e2e:build

You will need to have a bundler server instance running. In case you don't have one already:

npm start

In a separate terminal window, run the tests:

npm run test:e2e

Note: You can change the target device/emulator by modifying package.json. At the moment, a virtual device Nexus 5X (API 27) is used.

Next steps