

Snazzy Light

Snazzy Light is a vivid light color theme. Its colors are based on Sindre Sorhus' hyper-snazzy, adapted to a light background.

Besides looking decent, the main goal of this theme is to show clear and distinct colors under bright ambient light conditions. This makes it suitable e.g. for train commute with intense sunlight.

This theme's color palette


<img alt="Screenshot of some JavaScript sample code" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/loilo/vscode-snazzy-light/master/screenshots/javascript.png" width="1065"> <img alt="Screenshot of some Sass sample code" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/loilo/vscode-snazzy-light/master/screenshots/scss.png" width="1065"> <img alt="Screenshot of some HTML sample code" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/loilo/vscode-snazzy-light/master/screenshots/html.png" width="1065"> <img alt="Screenshot of some PHP sample code" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/loilo/vscode-snazzy-light/master/screenshots/php.png" width="1065"> <img alt="Screenshot of some Markdown sample code" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/loilo/vscode-snazzy-light/master/screenshots/markdown.png" width="1065">

Thanks a lot to Umut, the author of the fantastic Bluloco Light theme, for providing the syntax highlighting samples.


I have tested Snazzy Light with a plethora of languages. However, I'm not proficient in many of them and may not have quite the right sense for how things should look.

If something looks off in your preferred language, feel free to open an issue and we can improve the colors together.