

Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms

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Source code of Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms book, third edition.

List of available chapters:

Third Edition Updates

Project Structure

src/js/index.js file contains all the data structures and algorithms listed by chapter.

|_examples (how to use each data structure and algorithm, organized by chapter)
|___js (source code: JavaScript version)
|_______models (classes used by DS: Node, ValuePair, ...)
|_____others (other algorithms such as palindome checker, hanoi tower)
|___ts (source code: TypeScript version)
|_test (unit tests with Mocha and Chai for src)
|___js (tests for JavaScript code)
|___ts (tests for TypeScript code)

Installing and running the book examples With Node

Running the examples in the browser

<img src="examples/examples-screenshot.png">

Happy Coding!

Other editions

1st edition2nd edition3rd edition
1st edition2nd edition3rd edition
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Book link - second edition:

Book link - third edition:

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