


Library of reusable babashka tasks and bbin CLIs


Add a git dependency to your bb.edn:

 {:git/url "https://github.com/logseq/bb-tasks"
  :git/sha "<LATEST SHA>"}}

Define the tasks to import from this library in bb.edn e.g.


Some tasks require bb pods. Babashka doesn't yet support providing them through a gitlib dependency. This means that you will need to add the necessary :pods to your bb.edn. See bb.edn for pods and versions that are known to work.


Tasks are described by namespace.



Finds unused vars with https://github.com/borkdude/carve. Also provides more friendly commandline interface as the default config is preserved when additional options are given.



Lints given datalog rules for valid parse-ability and unbound variables.



Lints codebases for large vars. Large vars make it difficult for teams to maintain and understand codebases.


Collection of nbb tasks located here for use with nbb-logseq. Most of them are also be usable with nbb.



Verify that all namespaces in a directory can be required by nbb-logseq. Useful for ensuring cljs code continues to be compatible with nbb(-logseq).


Enables bb tasks to call nbb scripts with an up-to-date cached db of the current graph directory. The underlying bb task manages a cache like the one Logseq editor builds in ~/.logseq/graphs/. If a user git commits the cached db, nbb CI processes also benefit from the speed up.

To set this up in your graph:


This task should be used in the :depends of a task calling a nbb script. The task ensures that the transit db is rebuilt if any graph file is detected to be outdated by their timestamp. Cache building is slow the first time as all files need to be parsed. Subsequent updates are quick because only files modified since the last cache are re-parsed.


These tasks demonstrate that nbb-logseq scripts can run when a graph is saved to provide useful information to a Logseq user. When these scripts use the graph-parser, these scripts start to behave like intelligent assistants as they understand the data in your file as well as the Logseq app does.

Tasks in this namespace require installing nbb-logseq e.g. npm install -g @logseq/nbb-logseq. For the examples in this ns, there is a one time setup of cd examples && yarn install && cd -.


Given a graph directory and an nbb script, the nbb script runs when either the script or a graph file is saved. The run on script save provides a live-editing experience as different queries can be run without restarting this task.

For an example, run the following:

$ bb nbb:watch /path/to/graph examples/analyze_file.cljs
Watching /path/to/graph ...

See this demo clip to see it in action.


Given a graph directory and an nbb script, portal renders the edn produced by the nbb script when either the script or a graph file is saved.

For an example, run the following:

$ bb nbb:portal-watch /path/to/graph examples/print_file_query.cljs
Watching /path/to/graph ...


To use the CLIs, first install bbin. Then install scripts in this repo:

bbin install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/logseq/bb-tasks/main/src/logseq/bb_tasks/bin/logseq_import.clj && \
bbin install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/logseq/bb-tasks/main/src/logseq/bb_tasks/bin/logseq_export.clj

To use these scripts:

# From any graph directory, export any text files e.g.
$ logseq-export journals/2022_03_22.md pages/Abraham\ Lincoln.md > export.edn

# cd to another graph and then import the export.edn
$ logseq-import ../previous-graph/export.edn
Imported journals/2022_03_22.md
Imported pages/Abraham Lincoln.md


Bug reports are welcome. For feature contributions, please discuss them first as this library primarily serves https://github.com/logseq/logseq.




Tasks are linted with https://github.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo using clojure -M:clj-kondo --lint src. Dependencies are kept up to date with https://github.com/liquidz/antq using clojure -M:outdated.

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