

Logdy UI repository

This repository contains code of a Vue.js application that is a Web UI of logdy.dev.

Navigate to logdy-core repository for the Logdy source-code, full documentation and use cases.


Visit demo.logdy.dev


npm install
npm run dev

By default the UI will be served under http://localhost:5173. There are two ways to develop going further.

Use logdy-core

You need to run logdy-core separately. Choose either demo ($ go run . demo 1 or $ logdy demo 1) mode or any other mode. Read more about demo mode.

Use UI demo mode

Just append ?demo to the address, like http://localhost:5173?demo, the UI will enter demo mode (which you can preview at demo.logdy.dev)


npm install
npm run build

The source files will be compiled into dist folder. After building is complete, you need to manually move the contents of dist directory to assets directory in logdy-core source in order for the UI to be embedded into the binary.