

Log4JS - Logstash UDP appender

This is an optional appender for log4js-node.

npm install @log4js-node/logstashudp

The logstashUDP appender supports sending log events to a Logstash server. It uses the node.js core UDP support, and so requires no extra dependencies. Remember to call log4js.shutdown in your application if you want the UDP socket closed cleanly.



default config

  appenders: {
    logstash: {
      type: '@log4js-node/logstashudp',
      host: 'log.server',
      port: 12345
  categories: {
    default: { appenders: ['logstash'], level: 'info' }
const logger = log4js.getLogger();
logger.info("important log message", { cheese: 'gouda', biscuits: 'hobnob' });

This will result in a JSON message being sent to log.server:12345 over UDP, with the following format:

  '@version': '1',
  '@timestamp': '2014-04-22T23:03:14.111Z',
  'host': 'yourHostname',
  'level': 'INFO',
  'category': 'default',
  'message': 'important log message',
  'fields': {
    'biscuits': 'hobnob',
    'cheese': 'gouda'

use estraDataProvider

  appenders: {
    logstash: {
      type: '@log4js-node/logstashudp',
      host: 'log.server',
      port: 12345,
      extraDataProvider: loggingEvent => ({
        host: 'anotherHostname',  // this will replace the default real host
        clientIp: '', // this will be added
        fields: {
          tag: 'myTag', // this will be added to the fields
          pid: loggingEvent.pid, // this will be added to the fields
          cheese: 'defaultCheese' // this will be added to the fields but will not be replaced in this example
  categories: {
    default: { appenders: ['logstash'], level: 'info' }
const logger = log4js.getLogger();
logger.info("important log message", { cheese: 'gouda', biscuits: 'hobnob' });

This will result in a JSON message being sent to log.server:12345 over UDP, with the following format:

  '@version': '1',
  '@timestamp': '2014-04-22T23:03:14.111Z',
  'host': 'anotherHostname',
  'level': 'INFO',
  'category': 'default',
  'message': 'important log message',
  'clientIp': '',
  'fields': {
    'cheese': 'defaultCheese',
    'tag': 'myTag',
    'pid': 123

So, if not using the default extraDataProvider, you have to put the second param of the log to the fields yourself if you want.