

logFaces Appender (HTTP) for log4js-node

The logFaces appenders send JSON formatted log events to logFaces receivers. This appender uses HTTP to send the events (there is another logFaces appender that uses UDP).

npm install log4js @log4js-node/logfaces-http


This appender will also pick up Logger context values from the events, and add them as p_ values in the logFaces event. See the example below for more details. Note that Logger context may override the same properties defined in configContext.

Example (default config)

// global context variables can be specified like this
// these variables will propagate to logFaces server with all requests
const MDC = {
  sessionID: 111,

// log4js framework configuration
  appenders: {
    logfaces: {
      type: "@log4js-node/logfaces-http",
      url: "http://lfs-server/logs",
      application: "TesterApp",
      configContext: () => MDC,
  categories: {
    default: { appenders: ["logfaces"], level: "info", enableCallStack: true },

// instances of the logger is obtained from framework like this
const logger = log4js.getLogger();

// local context variables can propagate to logFaces along with global context
logger.addContext("requestId", "123");
logger.info("some interesting log message");

// global context variables can be modified anywhere in the app
MDC.sessionID = 222;
logger.error("something has gone wrong", new Error("exception message"));

This example will result in two log events being sent to lfs-server. Both events will have a requestId property with a value of 123. First event will have sessionID of 111 and second sessionID of 222. Also since enableCallStack is set, both events will include location details such as file name, function name and line number. Second event will have a stack trace of a trown error.