MicroPython for Kendryte K210
This MicroPython port is now in a stable phase, but some bugs and issues can be expected, please report<br> All standard MicroPython functionality and modules are implemented, as well as advanced thread support, file system support, display module, network, enhanced K210 peripheral support ...<br> Modules providing support for still unsupported K210 peripherals will be implemented soon
For discussion about this MicroPython port please visit the dedicated Forum
Wiki pages are provided with detailed information about usage, classes, methods ... (not yet complete)
If you find this project useful, you can contribute by making a donation.
This implementation was based on Sipeed MaixPy, but it diverged from it and is now a completely independent project.<br>
Main features:
- Based on kendryte-freertos-sdk, modified to include some needed features not yet implemented and enhanced drivers support
- MicroPython core based on latest release build from main Micropython repository<br>Unchanged except for the thread support and other changes needed to work with 64-bit RISC-V.
script is provided to make building MicroPython firmware as easy as possible- Running two independent Micropython instances on two K210 cores is supported.<br>Rich set of functions for data exchange between instances is provided.
- Refactored _thread module with many new features, based on my MicroPython for ESP32 thread module.<br> Rich set of threads related methods, including inter-thread notifications and messages.
- Full support for LittleFS as default file system on internal Flash.<br> LittleFS file system image can be prepared on host and flashed to the board.<br> SPIFFS is also supported (with directories support) and can be selected when building.
- Full support for Fat32 file system on external SD Card
- Full file timestamp support for LittleFS, SPIFFS and Fat32
- improved utime module, all time related values are handled as 64-bit values
- SRAM buffer is provided with content preserved after reset, accessible via
methods - uart module, compatible with the uart module on my ESP32 port<br>buffered, interrupt based input with callbacks on events
- Pin module, compatible with the Pin module on my ESP32 port
- i2c module, master & slave, compatible with the i2c module on my ESP32 port<br>SSD1306 module provided as MicroPython frozen module
- spi module, master & slave, compatible with the spi module on my ESP32 port with added slave support
- WS2812 (neopyxel) support, using spi module
- Timer and PWM modules
- OneWire & DS18x20 module
- ymodem module for file transfer to/from K210 board using ymodem protocol is provided
- uhashlib and ucryptolib using K210 hardware AES are implemented
- Display module ported from my MicroPython for ESP32 display module<br>Rich set of drawing methods, direct write or framebuffer, jpeg, bmp and raw image format<br>Flexible fonts support (fixed width and proportional) with user fonts loadable from file (online Font creator provided)
- Full network support for WiFi (based on ESP8266/ESP8285) and GSM modules.
- My own ESP8266/ESP8285 firmware is provided with enhanced features and OTA firmware update support
- PPPoS support for GSM modules
- full SMS support for GSM modules with collbacks on SMS receive
- flexible and feature rich AT command method is provided for both WiFi and GSM modules
- Full MicroPython socket module compatibility, with some additional features. FTP Server and Web Server examples are available.
- urequests module (written in C) supporting all http request methods, http and https ( SSL/TLS, on WiFi, only)
- Full featured mqtt module (written in C) with callbacks on all events
- FTP Server and Web Server provided as frozen modules
- usqlite3 module, data base on internal flash or SD Card, in-memory database supported
- Boot menu, invoked by external pin, is provided which can help solve some issues.<br>Options to prevent loading of and/or, force format of the internal file system, load the default configuration ...
- Many configuration options can be configured directly from MicroPython (saved on Flash):
- running two MicroPython instances
- heap and stack sizes
- using PyStack
- default CPU frequency
- default REPL baudrate
- boot menu pin
- default log level
- using ansi colors
- MicroPython VM divisor
- pye, full screen file editor (as MicroPython frozen module) is provided
- MPyTerm, serial terminal emulator specially designed for MicroPython is provided.<br> Included are commands to synchronize MicroPython time from PC, change the REPL baudrate, transfer files to/from MicroPython filesystem (including transferring whole directories).<br>Fast block file transfer is used, protected with CRC.
- Eclipse project files included.<br>To include it into Eclipse goto:<br>
File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace
<br>Select root directory
[select MicroPython_K210_LoBo directory]<br>Finish
.<br>Rebuild index<br>ExecuteIndex->Freshen All Files
. - Many modules from my MicroPython for ESP32 port are already ported, porting some others is planned.
- More to come soon ...
This MicroPython port was tested on Sipeed's MAIX boards.<br> Here are some links to the distributors:
Seed<br> AnalogLamb<br> Banggood (prices to high)<br><br> It should also work on Kendryte KD233, probably with some modifications, but it was not tested.
For build instructions see the Wiki.