

<a name="readme-top"></a>

<div align="center"> <img height="120" src="https://registry.npmmirror.com/@lobehub/assets-emoji/1.3.0/files/assets/puzzle-piece.webp"> <img height="120" src="https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/kitchen/qJ3l3EPsdW/split.svg"> <img height="120" src="https://github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com/28616219/281042486-5e3b9283-9f47-4201-b468-1cb8ef86b3d5.png"> <h1>Lobe Midjourney Web UI<br/></h1>

This plugin can integrate with Midjourney


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<details> <summary><kbd>Table of contents</kbd></summary>



🌟 Features

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🤯 Usage

Deploy midjourney-proxy

This plugin relies on midjourney-proxy as the provider for Midjourney services. You will need to deploy a midjourney-proxy service. Please refer to the 📘 midjourney-proxy Deployment Documentation or Set up Guide for deployment instructions.

Standalone Use in Web

This plugin supports standalone use in web pages. You can experience it on midjourney-webui.


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⌨️ Local Development

You can use Github Codespaces for online development:

Or clone it for local development:

$ git clone https://github.com/lobehub/lobe-midjourney-webui.git
$ cd lobe-midjourney-webui
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm run dev
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🤝 Contributing

Contributions of all types are more than welcome, if you are interested in contributing plugin, feel free to show us what you’re made of.

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🔗 Links

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📝 License

Copyright © 2023-current LobeHub. <br /> This project is MIT licensed.

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