


Build Status

Mattermost client which uses the Web API and websockets.


The client was primarily written for use by the Matteruser Hubot adapter. The initial implementation thus contains only the minimal set of API calls to support this. Pull requests to expand API support are very welcome!


Environment variables

The following environment variables may be defined to alter behavior:

MATTERMOST_TLS_VERIFYNo(default: true) set to 'false' to allow connections when certs can not be verified (ex: self-signed, internal CA, ... - MITM risks)
MATTERMOST_LOG_LEVELNo(default: info) set log level (also: debug, ...)
MATTERMOST_USE_TLSNo(default: true) set to 'false' to use http/ws instead of https/wss

Mattermost 5.x.x

This client always tries to track the latest version of Mattermost. As of version 5.0.0 of Mattermost might introduce backwards incompatible API changes make sure you are using the latest version of this library.

Older versions of Mattermost

For interaction with Mattermost versions please use version of the library matching the Mattermost version.



The code is licensed under MIT.